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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne


Publications nationales


A. Chelihi et M.M. Touba, “Adaptive Fuzzy-sliding mode controller for a hélicopter-liketwin rotor MIMO system“, Courrier de savoir, Vol. 24, pp. 47-58, September 2017.


M. Belahcene, M.A.Benatia ,S.Jeddi, Comparaison de la PCA et KPCA dans la Reconnaissance de Visage , Revue science des matériaux, Laboratoire LARHYSS  N°03 2015.


A. GUERGAZI, A. DEBILOU, A. MOUSSI, Implantation sur DSP TMS320LF2407 d’un algorithme de modulation vectorielle pour la commande d’un onduleur de tension, Courrier du Savoir, (2014). N° 19


M. Belahcène, Authentification et Identification de Visages basées sur les Ondelettes et les Réseaux de Neurones”, Revue science des matériaux, Laboratoire LARHYSS  N°02, Septembre 2014 pp.01-08.ISSN 2352-9954


M DIDICHE, A DEBILOU, Modélisation neuro-prédictive pour la classification phonétique de la langue arabe, Courrier du Savoir, (2013). N° 17


Publications internationales


Hasseni, S.-E.-I. & Abdou, L. (2018), 'Decentralized PID control by using GA optimization applied to a quadrotor', Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems 12(2), 33-44.


Medouakh, S.; Boumehraz, M. & Terki, N. (2018), 'Improved object tracking via joint color-LPQ texture histogram based mean shift algorithm', Signal, Image and Video Processing 12(3), 583-590


Touil, D. E.; Terki, N. & Medouakh, S. (2018), 'Hierarchical convolutional features for visual tracking via two combined color spaces with SVM classifier', Signal, Image and Video Processing.


M. Bessaoudi, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, A. Chouchane, S. Bourennane, Multilinear Side-Information based Discriminant Analysis for Face and Kinship Verification in the Wild, Neurocomputing, 329pp. 267-278, 2018. IF=3.241


O. Laiadi, A. Ouamane, A. Benakcha, A. Taleb-Ahmed, Tensor Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis for Kinship Verification in the Wild, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2018, Minor Revision. IF= 2.073


O. Laiadi, A. Ouamane, E. Boutellaa, A. Benakcha, A. Taleb-Ahmed, A. Hadid, Kinship Verification from Face Images in Discriminative Subspaces of Color Components, Multimedia Tools and Applications, December 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-018-7027-9. IF= 1.541


M. Bessaoudi, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, A. Chouchane, S. Bourennane, Multilinear Enhanced Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Robust Multimodal 2D and 3D Face Verification, Applied Intelligence, November 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10489-018-1318-8. IF=1.983


A. Chouchane,A. Ouamane, E. Boutellaa, M. Belahcene, S. Bourennane, 3D face verification across pose based on euler rotation and tensors, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77 (16), pp. 20697-20714,2018. IF= 1.541


Mohamed Redouane Kafi, Hicham Chaoui, Suruz Miah,  Abderrazak Debilou, « Local model networks based mixed-sensitivity H-infinity control of CE-150 helicopters, Control Theory and Technology February 2017, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp 34–44


A. Ouamane,A. Chouchane, E. Boutellaa, M. Belahcene, S. Bourennane, and A. Hadid, Efficient Tensor-Based 2D+3D Face Verification. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 12 (11), pp. 2751-2762, 2017. IF=5.824


A. Ouamane, E. Boutellaab, M. Bengherabib, A. Taleb-Ahmedc, A. Hadid, A novel statistical and multiscale local binary feature for 2D and 3D face verification. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 62, pp. 68-80, 2017. IF= 1.747


A. Ouamane, Stat LBP Feature Extraction and SIEDA Dimensionality Reduction and Classification for Face-Kin Verification, Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics, 2 (2), 2017.


 Ouamane,M. Belahcene, A. Benakcha, S. Bourennane, A. Taleb-Ahmed, Robust multimodal 2D and 3D face authentication using local feature fusion. Signal, Image and Video Processing 10 (1), pp. 129-137, 2016. IF= 1.643


A. Chouchane, M. Belahcene,A. Ouamane, S. Bourennane, Evaluation of Histograms Local Features and Dimensionality Reduction for 3D Face Verification. Journal of Information Processing Systems 12 (3), pp. 468 – 488, 2016.


S. Chaouch, L. Abdou, L.C. Alaoui, Said Drid “Optimized Torque Control via Backstepping Using Genetic Algorithm of Induction Motor,” Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Automatika 57(2), 379-386, 2016


Touba Mohamed Mostafa, Titaouin Abdenacer, Touba Sonia, "Probability Density Function Estimation using Multi-layer perceptron",  The Online Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 54-63, April 2015.


L.Zaghba, N.Terki, A.Borni, A.Bouchakour,  "Design and simulation of  MATLAB/SIMULINK influence of external and internal parameters of photovoltaic cells",  Journal of New Technology and Materials (JNTM ),vol5(1), 2015


L.Zaghba, N.Terki, A.Borni, A.Bouchakour, "Robust Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique and PI  Current Controller Design for Grid connected PV system Using MATLAB/SIMULINK", Journal of electrical engineering volume 15(2),2015


A. Terki, A. Moussi,  N.Terki, Design of ANFIS Estimator of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Position for PV Pumping System, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 10, 2015


A. Ouamane, A Benakcha, M Belahcene, A Taleb-Ahmed, Multimodal depth and intensity face verification approach using LBP, SLF, BSIF, and LPQ local features fusion. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 25 (4), pp. 603-620, 2015.


El kourd K, Azizi A; Fast Region-based Active Contour Model Driven by Local Signed Pressure Force, Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research(JEEER);  ISSN / e-ISSN : 2329-1613/2329-1605, 2015


El kourdK, Attia N, Comparaison from accuracy time between artificial neural networks(ANN) of Matlab& iterative resolution with gauss seidal to detect the lesion, 14, 53-64 ,American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering,Technology,& Sciences, ISSN / e-ISSN : 2313-4410/2313-4402,  2015


Elkourd KS. El kourd, Rungekutta to precise the detection of lesion for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image , 6, 21 - 25 ,Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research(JEEER), ISSN / e-ISSN : 1993-8225/1993-8225, 2015


A. Ouamane,M. Belahcene, New Multiple Classifier Systems for Face Authentication. Courrier du Savoir  18, pp. 53-62, 2014.


El kourd S, El kourd K, Encryption System Appling The Dynamic Location Of Mobile Phone, Editeur: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , ISSN/ISBN :978-3-659-51867-6, 2014


El kourd K, S Khelil, Non linear Detection of Lesion with ANOVA Technique For Multi MRI images, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISSN/ISBN : 3659592412, 2014


Mohamed Hadid, Younès Saadallah, Abderrazak Debilou,  Belhi Guerira, Ayoub Guerrah, The creep of an elastoviscoplastic beamunder a bending loading, Journal Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, (2014). N° 3 Vol. 18.


N.terki, D.saigaa, L.cheriat, N.doghmane, "Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Complex Wavelet Transform", Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2013


M. Belahcene,A. Ouamane, l’Intégrale Floue dans la Fusion d’un Système Multiclassifieurs pour la Reconnaissance de Visages, Courrier du Savoir 17, pp. 167-174, 2013.


Laboratoire d'Identification, commande, contrôle et communication«LI3CUB » Université Mohamed Khider Biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algérie lab.li3cub@univ-biskra.dz

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