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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne

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Intitulé du laboratoire    Interdisciplinary studies in language and culture
SIGLE du laboratoire  
Description du laboratoire ISILC is a laboratory that comprises four research units. The main objectives of ISILC are to:
1. Undertake interdisciplinary research in the fields of language, language teaching/learning, applied linguistics, literary and Anglophone studies (related to culture, society, and politics).
2. Train and guide postgraduate students to effective and efficient research.
3. To support ongoing research projects by providing logistical and operational assistance to public and private national institutions, as well as scientific advisory and training.
4. Facilitate and enhance collaboration among researchers from different but converging fields.
5. Bridge the gap between knowledge and scientific and cultural development
6. Publicize research through conferences, workshops, and working papers.
7. Provide evidence-based research to address issues related to present-day social, linguistic and cultural diversity and challenges.
8. Carry out university and faculty programmes related to the ISILC’s research.
9. Prepare the ground for future cooperation with local and overseas academic institutions and laboratories.
Numéro du téléphone 0779357863
Fax 0779357863
Affectation Bloc 20 labos
Numéro de la porte du laboratoire néant
Surface néant
Nombre de bureaux néant
Date Nomination 19/12/2021
Arrêté de création 23/05/2021

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