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Nous avons 33 invités et aucun membre en ligne

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Publications nationales


Helal Yazid, Zakaria Boumerzoug, and Fellah Lahcene, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welding aluminum alloy 6061-T6 ultra low carbon steel ,TMREES-18FM , Athenes, Russia, September, (2018).


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Welding of dissimilar materials by FSW, ICMTMTE, Sevastopol, Russia, September 2018. (Plenary conference).


 Helal Yazid, Zakaria Boumerzoug, and Fellah Lahcene, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welding aluminum alloy 6061-T6 ultra low carbon steel ,TMREES-18FM , Athenes, Russia, September, 2018.


Walid Bedjaoui, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Lamia Baghdadi,  Solid State Diffusion Welding of Copper with Aluminum Alloy, icwet2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia.


Fares Khalfallah, Zakaria Boumerzou, Selvarajan Rajakumar  and El Hadj Raouache,  Effect of friction time on mechanical and microstructure properties of Aluminum – Ceramic dissimilar joints, ICSAAM 2018 : The 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials 28-31 Aug 2018 Tarbes , France


Said LAKEL, Fatima ELHAMRA, M. Ibrir, K. Almi, ‘’ Ab-initio calculations of the dielectric constant, optical absorption and the refractive index of Zn1-xBexO alloys’’, Courrier du Savoir – N°20, novembre 2015, pp129-132 ,http://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/cds/issue/view/105


M. Ibrir, S. Lakel and Saadi Berri,’’ Electronic structure and magnetic properties of KXF3(X= Fe, Co, Mn, V)

from ab initio calculations’’, Revue science des matériaux, N°05, Juin 2015 pp.07-16, http://revues.univbiskra.



W.Terghini, A.Saadoune, L.Dehimi, M.L.Megherbi, S.Özçelikc. ((Measurement and analysis of I-V-T characteristics of a AuGeNi/p-Si Schottky Barrier Diode)). Courrier du Savoir. Université de Biskra. Vol 19. (2015) 55-58. http://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/cds/article/view/1204


M.L.Megherbi, L.Dehimi, A.Saadoune, W.Terghini, F.Pezzimenti, F.G.DellaCorte. ((Electrical characterization of the forward Current-Voltage of al implanted 4H-SiC PIN diodes)). Courrier du Savoir. Université de Biskra. Vol

19. (2015) 71-76. http://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/cds/article/view/1207/1150


Y. Beddiafi, A. Saadoune, L. Dehimi. ((Numerical simulation of radiation damage on the device performance of GaAs MESFETs)). Journal of New Technology and Materials, Vol 04. (2014) 68-72.



H.Amar, S.Tobbeche:Two-dimensional Modelling and Simulation of CIGS thin-film solar cell. Journal of New Technology and Materials, University of Oum El-Bouaghi. Vol 04. (2014) 68-72



A. Saadoune, L. Dehimi. ((La résistivité d'une diode au silicium utilisée comme détecteur de particules)). Journal Science des matériaux. Vol 02. (2014) 43-47.





Publications internationales


Adel Hezabra, Abdesselem Nora Amel, Nouredine Sengouga and Mustapha Yagub, 2D study of AlGaN/AlN/GaN/AlGaN hemts response to traps, Journal of Semiconductors, 2018, Accepted for publication.  


Taki Eddine Taouririt; Afak Meftah And Nouredine Sengouga; Numerical Simulation and Optimization of An a-ITZO TFT Based on a Bi-Layer Gate Dielectrics, Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, (2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-018-6817-1.


M. Larbi Megherbi, Fortunato Pezzimenti , Lakhdar Dehimi, Achour Saadoune, and Francesco G. Della Corte Analysis of Trapping Effects on the Forward Current–Voltage Characteristics of Al-Implanted 4H-SiC p-i-n DiodesIEEE Transactions On Electron Devices (2018)

DOI: 0.1109/TED.2018.2849693


Y. Maarouf, L. Dehimi, F. Bouzid, F. Pezzimenti and F.G. Della Corte « Theoretical design and performance of InxGa1-xN single junction solar cell» Optik 163 (2018) 22–32.


Khadir, A., Sengouga, N., Kouzou, Abdelhafidi K M; Simulation of effects of emitter and collector widths on performance of silicon–germanium (SiGe) heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs); Journal of Computational Electronics;(2018)https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10825-018-1157-1 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10825-018-1157-1


Taki Eddine Taouririt, Afak Meftah, Nouredine Sengouga, Effect of the interfacial (low-k SiO2 vs high-k Al2O3) dielectrics on the electrical performance of a-ITZO TFT; N. Appl Nanosci (Sep 2018) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13204-018-0866-x


Slimane Chala, Nouredine Sengouga, Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu, Saâd Rahmane, Madani Bdirina, İbrahim Karteri; Extraction of ZnO thin film parameters for modeling a ZnO/Si solar cell, Energy 164 (2018) 871 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.09.035


Samira Laznek, Afak Meftah, Amjad Meftah, and Nouredine Sengouga; Semi-Analytical Simulation and Optimization of AlGaAs/GaAs p-i-n Quantum Well Solar Cell; Applied Solar Energy, (2018), Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 261–269


Fellah Lahcene, and Zakaria Boumerzoug, Experimental investigation of industrial copper deformed by wire drawing process, Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences,  10(1) 97-112,  (2018)


Helal Yazid and Zakaria Boumerzoug, Pin diameter Effect On microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir lap welding aluminum alloy  6061-T6 to dual phase  steel, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 2018, No. x, p. x-xx  accepted for publishing.


S. Zellag, L. Dehimi, T. Asar, A. Saadoune, A. Fritah, S. Özçelik “Effects of the TiO2 high-k insulator material on the electrical characteristics of GaAs based Schottky barrier diodes” Applied Physics A (2018) 124:84

DOI : 10.1007/s11664-017-5916-8


M. Elbar, B. Alshehri, S. Tobbeche, and E. Dogheche, ’Design and simulation of InGaN/GaN p-i-n photodiodes’, Physica status solidia, (2018).


A. Sopczak,a  B. Ali,  N.  Asbah, B. Bergmann,   K. Bekhouche et al. "Luminosity from thermal neutron counting with MPX detectors and relation to ATLAS reference luminosity at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV proton-proton collisions". IOP JINST 2017.


Ishaq Amrani, Ahmed Cheriet, Nicolas Bracikowski, Mouloud Feliachi, Khaled Bekhouche. "Design, modeling and fabrication of a novel electromagnetic micro-actuator for a new concept of valveless micropump". Journal of Electrical Engineering 2017.


M.N Kateb, S. Tobbeche and A. Merazga, ‘Influence of μc-Si:H tunnel recombination junction on the performance of a-Si:H/μc-Si:H tandem solar cell’, Optik 139 (2017).


M.L. MEGHERBI, F. PEZZIMENTI, L. DEHIMI, A. SAADOUNE and F.G. DELLA CORTE “Analysis of the Forward I–V Characteristics of Al-Implanted 4HSiC p-i-n Diodes with Modeling of Recombination and Trapping Effects Due to Intrinsic and Doping-Induced Defect States” Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS (2017).

DOI : 10.1007/s11664-017-5916-8


F.Bouzid, L.Dehimi and F.Pizzimenti « Performance Analysis of Pt/n-GaN Schottky Barrier UV Detector» Journal of Electronic Materials DOI 10.1007/s1164-017-5696-1, 2017


F.Bouzid, L.Dehimi & all « Numerical simulations of the electrical transport characteristics of  Pt/n-GaN Schottky diode» Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56,094301, 2017


M.Benaicha, L.Dehimi, N.Sengouga «Simulation of double junction n0:46Ga0:54N/Si tandem solar cell» IOP, Journal of Semiconductors, vol.38,No.4, April 2017


S.Dehimi, L.Dehimi, T.Asar, B.Mebarki et S. Özcelik «Modeling and simulation of ZnxCd1-xTe/ZnTe quantum wellstructure for laser applications» Optik 135 (2017) 153–159.


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Helal Yazid, Friction stir welding of dissimilar materials aluminum Al6061-T6 to ultra low carbon steel, metals, 7, 42, (2017).


Kelthoum Digheche, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Malika Diafi, Khawla Saadi, Influence of heat treatments on the microstructure of welded of APX70 pipeline steel, Acta metallurgica Slovaca, Vol 23, No. 1, (2017), 72-78


Hamdi Ines, Zakaria Boumerzoug, The natural aging effect on the activation energy of the precipitation processes in the  Al-Mg-Si alloy, Key Engineering materials, 723, (2017),27-31.


Hamdi Ines, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Foued Chabane, Effect of the long natural aging on the Study of precipitqtion kinetics of an  Al-Mg-Si alloy using differential scaning calorimetry, Acta metallurgica Slovaca, Vol 23, No. 2, (2017), p155-160.


Yahya Bozkurt, Zakaria Boumerzoug  Tool materials effect on the friction stir  butt welding of AA2124-T4 Alloy matrix MMC, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, ( 2017


Zakaria Boumerzoug and Cherif Saib, Ther;al cycle simulation of welding process in INC 738 LC Superalloy. Key Engineering materials, 735, (2017) 75-79


Cherif Saib and Zakaria Boumerzoug, Effect of Welding Current on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Welded Ni-base Super Alloy INC738LC, World Journal of Engineering  Vol 15, No. 1, (2018), p14-20.


Fellah Lahcene, Abdallah Diha and Zakaria Boumerzoug, Influence of heating temperature on aluminium used for electric cables, AIP Conf. Proc.1899, 030006,  (2017)


Zakaria Boumerzoug and Khaled Khelil, Low Carbon Steel: Effect of Welding -on Microstructure and Properties, Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys, 2016.  ( Chapter )


 Zakaria Boumerzoug, Soumia Hamza, and Ji Vincent, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructural evolution in weld region of 304L pipeline steel Journal of Thermal Engineering, Vol 2, No. 6, (2016), p1017-1022.


Salim Gareh, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Heat treatment effect on the creep of industrial copper wire, , Acta metallurgica Slovaca, Vol 22, No. 3, (2016), p181-187.


Ines Hamdi, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Journal of physical science and application 6 (6) 44-48, (2016).  


Zakaria Boumerzoug and Yazid Helal, Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials Aluminum AL6061-T6 to Ultra Low Carbon Steel, Metals (2017), 7(2), 42


S.Dehimi, L.Dehimi, T.Asaar and S. Özcelik «Modeling and simulation of ZnxCd1-xTe/ZnTe quantum well for laser diodes» Journal of Electronic Materials» DOI: 10.1007/s11664-016-4984-5, 2016.


Abdelghani Hamache, Nouredine Sengouga, Afak Meftah, Mohamed Henini, Modeling the effect of 1 MeV electron irradiation on the performance of n+–p–p+ silicon space solar cells , Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 123, June 2016, Pages 103-108.


F. Azri1, M. Labed, A. F. Meftah, N. Sengouga, A. M. Meftah, Optical characterization of a-IGZO thin film for simulation of a-IGZO(n)/l-Si(p) heterojunction solar cell, Opt Quant Electron (2016) 48:391.


A.     Fritah, A. Saadoune, L. Dehimi & B. Abay “Investigation on the non-ideal behaviour of Au/n-InP Schottky diodes by the simulation of I–V–T and C–V–T characteristics” Philosophical Magazine, (2016).

DOI : 10.1080/14786435.2016.1185184


Walid Filali, Nouredine Sengouga, Slimane Oussalah, Riaz H. Mari, Dler Jameel, NoorAlhuda Al Saqri, Mohsin Aziz, David Taylor, Mohamed Henini, Characterisation of temperature dependent parameters of multi-quantum well (MQW) Ti/Au/n-AlGaAs/n-GaAs/n-AlGaAs Schottky diodes, Superlattices and Microstructures, July 2017


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Soumia Hamza, and Ji Vincent, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructural evolution in weld region of 304L pipeline steel, Journal of Thermal Engineering, 2. 6, 2016


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Khelil Khaled, Low Carbon Steel: Effect of Welding on Microstructure and Properties, Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys, 2016


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Helal Yazid, Friction stir welding of dissimilar materials aluminium Al6061-T6 to ultra low carbon steel, metals, 7, 42, 2017


Kelthoum Digheche, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Malika Diafi, Khawla Saadi, Influence of heat treatments on the microstructure of welded of APX70 pipeline steel, Acta metallurgica Slovaca, Vol 23, No. 1,2017, p72-78


F. Bouzid, L. Dehimi and F. Pizzimenti « Performance Analysis of Pt/n-GaN Schottky Barrier UV Detector» Journal of Electronic Materials DOI 10.1007/s1164-017-5696-1, 2017


F. Bouzid, L. Dehimi & all « Numerical simulations of the electrical transport characteristics of  Pt/n-GaN Schottky diode» Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56,094301, 2017


M. Benaicha, L. Dehimi, N.Sengouga «Simulation of double junction n0:46Ga0:54N/Si tandem solar cell» IOP, Journal of Semiconductors, vol.38, No .4, April 2017.


S. Dehimi, L. Dehimi, T. Asar, B. Mebarki et S. Özcelik «Modeling and simulation of ZnxCd1-xTe/ZnTe quantum well structure for laser applications» Optik 135 (2017) 153–159.


S. Dehimi, L. Dehimi, T. Asaar and S. Özcelik «Modeling and simulation of ZnxCd1-xTe/ZnTe quantum well for laser diodes» Journal of Electronic Materials DOI: 10.1007/s11664-016-4984-5, 2016.


M. Adaika, Af. Meftah, N. Sengouga, , M. Henini, ‘’ Numerical simulation of bias and photo stress on indium– gallium–zinc-oxide thin film transistors’’,Vacuum,Volume 120, Part B, October 2015, Pages 59–67, doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2015.04.021


S. Chala, N. Sengouga , F. Yakuphanoglu, Modeling the effect of defects on the performance of an n-CdO/p-Si solar cell, Vacuum 120 (2015) 81-88,



M. Elbar, S.Tobbeche, A.Merazga: Effect of top-cell CGS thickness on the performance of CGS/CIGS tandem solar cell. Solar Energy 122 (2015) 104–112.



M. Elbar, S.Tobbeche, Numerical Simulation of CGS/CIGS Single and Tandem Thin-film SolarCells using the Silvaco-Atlas Software. Energy Procedia 74 ( 2015 ) 1220 – 1227


S.Tobbeche, M.N.Kateb: Simulation and Optimization of Silicon Solar Cell Back Surface Field. Material Science 21, 2015 491-6


André Sopczak, Babar Ali, Nedaa Asbah, Benedikt Bergmann, Khaled Bekhouche,Davide Caforio, Michael Campbell, Erik Heijne, Claude Leroy, Anna Lipniacka, Marzio Nessi, Stanislav Pospíšil, Frank Seifert, Jaroslav Šolc,Paul Soueid, Michal Suk, Daniel Tureček, and Zdeněk Vykydal, MPX Detectors as LHC Luminosity Monitor,



S.Tobbeche, A.Merazga: Tunneling recombination mechanism in n-type a-Si:H steady state regime. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 774-776 (2013) pp 816-823.


L. Ayat, A. F. Bouhdjar, AF. Meftah, and N. Sengouga, ‘’ Numerical simulation of the effect of the free carrier motilities on light-soaked a-Si:H p–i–n solar cell ‘’, Journal of Semiconductors, Vol. 36, No. 7, 2015,


A.F Bouhdjar, L. Ayat, AM. Meftah, N. Sengouga and AF. Meftah , Computer modelling and analysis of the photo degradation effect in a-Si:H p—i—n solar cell,

http://iopscience.iop.org.www.sndl1.arn.dz/article/10.1088/1674-4926/36/1/014002?fromSearchPage=true 10.1088/1674-4926/36/1/014002


N. Sengouga, R. Boumaraf, R.H. Mari, Af. Meftah, M. Aziz, Dler Jameel, Noor Al Saqri, D. Taylor, M. Henini, Modeling the effect of deep traps on the capacitance–voltage characteristics of p-type Si-doped GaAs Schottky diodes grown on high index GaAs substrates Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 36 (2015) 156–161. doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2015.03.043


Said Lakel , Fatima Elhamra , K. Almi, H. Meradji,’’ Density Functional Perturbation Theory calculations of vibrational and thermodynamic properties of Zn1-xBexO alloys’’. Materials Science in Semiconductor

Processing, Vol. 40 (2015) 209–217,


Said Lakel, Fatima Elhamra, K. Almi, H. Meradji, "First-principles investigation of electronic and optical properties and thermodynamic stability of Zn1−xBexO semiconductor alloy". Materials Science in Semiconductor

Processing, Volume 40 (2015) 803–810


F. Elhamra, Said Lakel, M. Ibrir, K. Almi and H. Meradj, Theoretical investigation of elastic and phononic properties of Zn1−xBexO alloys. Mod. Phys. Lett. B, Vol. 29, No. 24 (2015)


Kenza Almi, Adel Benchabane, Said Lakel, Abdelouahed Kriker "Potential utilization of date palm wood as composite reinforcement"Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 34 n°15 (2015) 1231–1240


K. Almi, Said Lakel, A.Benchabane & A. Krikerc, Characterization of Date Palm Wood Used as Composites Reinforcement. Acta Physica Polonica A,Vol. 127, No. 4 (2015) pp 1072- 1075 ,


S. Benramache, Said Lakel, Okba Belahssen, Boubaker Benhaoua, Influence of substrate temperature on the optical properties of ZnO thin films. Optik 126 (2015) 2946–2949,


Okba Belahssen, H Bentemam, Said Lakel, Boubaker Benhaoua, Said Benramache, Salim Gareh,’’ Effect of optical gap energy on the Urbach energy in the undoped ZnO thin films’’. Optik, Volume 126, Issues 15–16 (2015) 1487–1490


Said Lakel, F. Okbi, M. Ibrir and K. Almi ,’’ Pressure effects on the elastic and lattice dynamics properties of AlP from first principles calculations’’, AIP Publishing, Vol. 1653, No. 1, p. 020065 (2015)


F. Elhamra, S. Lakel, H. Meradji Pressure effect on the structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of  Zn0.75Be0.25O from first-principles calculations Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, In Press, Uncorrected Proof, Available online 19 November 2015


M. Ibrir, Said Lakel, S. Berri, S. Alleg and R. Bensalem , Ab initio study of structural, electronic, magnetic alloys: XTiSb (X = Co, Ni and Fe), AIP Publishing, Vol. 1653, No. 1, p. 020046 (2015);


M. LEDRA and A. EL HDIY, '' Monte-Carlo simulation of nano-collected current from a silicon sample containing a linear arrangement of uncapped nanocrystals '', J. Appl. Phys. 118, Issue 11, 115705 (2015)


T. TIBERMACINE, A. MERAZGA, M. LEDRA and N. OUHABAB, «Extraction of the Defect Density of States in Microcrystalline Silicon from Experimental Results and Simulation Studies", J. Semicond. 2015, 36(9), (2015) 093001-1-5


M.L. Megherbi, F. Pezzimenti, L. Dehimi, S. Rao, F.G. Della Corte ((Analysis of different forward current–voltage behaviours of Al implanted 4H-SiC vertical p–i–n diodes)). Solid-State Electronics, Volume 109, July 2015, Pages 12-16


K.Bekhouche, N.Sengouga, B.K.Jones. ‘’Numerical simulation of the effect of gold doping on the resistance to neutron irradiation of silicon diodes.’’ Journal of Semiconductors, Volume 36, January 2015, Pages 014001-5.


Boumerzoug Zakaria Fethi Remli and Fabienne Delaunois, Effect of Cutting Speed During Turning of Low Carbon Steel on Mechanical Properties and Surface Roughness, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1096 (2015) pp 340-345


Kamal Zeghdar, Lakhdar Dehimi, Achour Saadoune, and Nouredine Sengouga; Inhomogeneous barrier height effect on the current–voltage characteristics of an Au/n-InP Schottky diode, Journal of Semiconductors, Vol. 36, N° 12, December 2015, 1-6


R. Boumaraf, N. Sengouga a, R.H. Mari, Af. Meftah, M. Aziz, Dler Jameel, Noor Al Saqri, D. Taylor, M. Henini, ‘’Deep traps and temperature effects on the capacitance of p-type Si-doped GaAs Schottky diodes on (211) and (311) oriented GaAs substrates’’, Superlattices and Microstructures 65 (2014) 319–331.


N. Sengouga , Af.Meftah, Am.Meftah , M.Henini, ‘’Numerical simulation of the response of substrate traps to a voltage applied to the gate of a gallium arsenide field effect transistor’’, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 24(2014)34–39


Boumerzoug, Zakaria; Lakhdari, Lakhdar ‘’Effect of Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low Car bon Steel Pipes Welded by Induction Process ‘’ Advanced Materials Research;2014, Issue 887-888, p1301


Boumerzoug Zakaria, Nedjma Cherifi, Thierry Baudin,, Texture in welded industrial aluminium, , Vol 936, Applied Mechanics and Materials Research, 2014, Vol. 563


Boumerzoug Zakaria, Digheche Kelthoum and Ji Vincent, X-ray analysis of Residual stresses in weld region of X70 pipeline steel, Vol 936, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, Vol. 936


Boumerzoug Zakaria, Hamdi Ines, Effect of the long natural aging on the precipitation sequence in Al-Mg-Si alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 893, 375 ,2014


Fellah Lahcene and Zakaria Boumerzoug, effect of wire drawing on microstructural evolution of an industrial copper wire, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 997 (2014) pp 646-650


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Salim Gareh, Constituve modelling for creep of drawn copper wire, Acta Metallurgica Slovaca , Vol 20, No 4 (2014)


A.Hamache, N. Sengouga and Af. Meftah Numerical simulation of the type inversion in n+-p-p+ Si solar cells, used

for space applications, under 1 MeV electron irradiation Energy Procedia 50 ( 2014 ) 139 – 146

Organigramme : Alternative: Communications


Communications nationales


Souad TOBBECHE, Salim KALACHE, Mourad ELBAR, Mohamed Nadjib KATEB, and Mohamed Redha SERDOUK, Improvement of the CIGS solar cell performance:  Structure based on a ZnS buffer layer, (ICENT-2017), M’Sila.


Mourad ELBAR, Souad TOBBECHE, Mohamed Nadjib KATEB, and Mohamed Redha SERDOUK, ‘Photovoltaic performance of a CGS/CIGS tandem solar cell’, (ICENT-2017), M’Sila.


Hamdi Ines, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Effet des traitements thermiques sur  le durcissement de l’alliage Al-Mg-Si, Deuxièmes Journées d’Etudes sur la Fonderie et l’Environnement, 2016, Annaba, Algérie


Bettayeb Souad, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Test de fluage des fils métalliques, Sixième école sur les techniques de caractérisations des matériaux, Biskra, 2016


Communications internationales


A.   Fritah, L. Dehimi, A. Saadoune, K. Bekhouche “Traps effect on the I-V-T characteristics of Au/n-InP Schottky barrier diode” ICCEE’18 International conference on communications and electrical engineering, December 17-18, 2018 El-oued, Algeria


Imad Eddine Tinedert, Achour SaadouneNumerical simulation of the performance of CdTe solar cell using Silvaco Atlas software ICEEB’2018 Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering, December 2-3 2018, Biskra, Algeria


A. Fritah, L. Dehimi, A. Saadoune and M.L.Megherbi “Investigation of I-V curves crossing point of Au/n-InP Schottky contactSecond International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB’2018, December 2-3 2018, Biskra, Algeria


Mohamed Labed , Nouredine Sengouga, Slimane Chala, Effect of different insulators on the performance of IGZO TFT, Proceedings of SEEP2017, 27-30 June 2017, Bled, Slovenia


Slimane Chala, Nouredine Sengouga, Fahrettin Yakuphanoğlu, Saâd Rahmane, Madani Bdirina & İbrahim Karteri, Extraction of ZnO Thin Film Parameters for ZnO/Si Solar Cells Modelling, Proceedings of SEEP2017, 27-30 June 2017, Bled, Slovenia


Kamal Zeghdar and Lakhdar Dehimi «Inhomogeneous barrier height effect on the current–voltage characteristics of a Mo/4H-SiC Schottky diode» ICEPA  Djelfa 2017 /16-17 September 2017 Algeria


F.Bouzid, L.Dehimi and F. Pizzimenti «Performance analysis of thin Pt/n-GaN Shottky Barrier Ultraviolet Photodetector» ICENT Msila  2017/14-15 November 2017 Algeria


K.Zeghdar, L.Dehimi and S.Mansouri «Investigation on the non-ideal behavior of Tungsten/4H_SiC Shottky diodes by simulation of I-V-T» ICENT Msila  2017/14-15 November 2017 Algeria


K.Zeghdar and  L.Dehimi «Inhomogenous barrier height effect on the current voltage characteristics of W/4H-SiC Shottky diode» ICEE Boumerdes,  29-31 October 2017, Algeria


K.Zeghdar and  L.Dehimi «Inhomogenous barrier height effect on the current voltage characteristics of Mo/4H-SiC Shottky diode» ICEPA, Djelfa, 16-17 September 2017, Algeria


M. Elbar, B. Alshehri, S.Tobbeche, and E. Dogheche,Design and simulation of InGaN/GaN p-i-n photodiodes’, ICNS'12 - 23rd to 28th July 2017, Strasbourg, France.


Walid Filali, Nouredine Sengouga, Slimane Oussalah, Riaz H. Mari, Dler Jameel, NoorAlhuda Al Saqri, Mohsin Aziz, David Taylor, Mohamed Henini, Characterisation of temperature dependent parameters of multi-quantum well (MQW) Ti/Au/n-AlGaAs/n-GaAs/n-AlGaAs Schottky diodes, Superlattices and Microstructures, July 2017


Zakaria Boumerzoug and Yazid Helal, Friction stir welding of dissimilar materials Aluminum AL6061-T6 to ultra-low carbon steel, ICWET`16, Gaziantep, May 11- May 13, 2016, Turkey.


F. Azri, M. Labed, A. F. Meftah, N. Sengouga, A. M. Meftah, Optical characterization of a-IGZO thin film for simulation of a-IGZO(n)/l-Si(p) heterojunction solar cell, Opt Quant Electron (2016) 48:391.


Abdelghani Hamache, Nouredine Sengouga, Afak Meftah, Mohamed Henini, Modeling the effect of 1 MeV electron irradiation on the performance of n+–p–p+ silicon space solar cells , Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 123, June 2016, Pages 103-108.


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Metallurgical Aspect of welding, ICWET`16, Gaziantep, May 11- May 13, 2016, Turkey (Invited  speaker).


Zakaria Boumerzoug, Welding of similar and dissimilar materials ,3rd Word Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, Barcelona, , Spain, August, 2017. (Key-note speaker).


Fellah Lahcene, Diha Abdallah, Zakaria Boumerzoug, Influence of heating temperature on the aluminum used for electric cables, Conference on "Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development, Tomsk; Russia, 2017


M.N Kateb, S. Tobbeche and A. Merazga, ‘Influence of μc-Si:H tunnel recombination junction on the performance of a-Si:H/μc-Si:H tandem solar cell ,SATF 2016, septembre, 2016,Turkie.


K.Zeghdar, L.Dehimi and S.Mansouri «Simulation de l’effet de la température sur les caractéristiques electriques de la diode Shottky en utilisant le simulateur Atlas -Silvaco» SNSA I-2016,15 Novembre 2016


T. Taouririt, Af Meftah, N. Sengouga, Numerical simulation of bias-illumination stress with equivalent oxide thickness effects of gate insulator on amorphous indium-tin-zinc-oxide thin film transistors (a-ITZO TFTs), Science & Applications of Thin Films, Conference & Exhibition (SATF 2016), September 19 – 23, 2016, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey


S. Naceur, N. Sengouga, Effect of Temperature on Poly Crystalline Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors, Science & Applications of Thin Films, Conference & Exhibition (SATF 2016), September 19 – 23, 2016, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey


Af Meftah, M. Labed, N. Sengouga, Effect of Hydrogen on the Performance of amorphous Indium gallium Zinc Oxide (a-IGZO) Thin Film Transistors, Science & Applications of Thin Films, Conference & Exhibition (SATF 2016), September 19 – 23, 2016, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey


Saliha ZELLAG , L. DEHIMI, A. SAADOUNE “Modelisation and simulation of forward and reverse bias current-voltage characteristics of au/n-si schottky barrier diodes with sno2 insulator layer” 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan physical UNION – BPU9, Istanbul University, Turkey (2015).


Said Lakel, M. IBRIR, K. ALMI, A’’ Theoretical study of Debye temperature and the specific heat of nano-wire and thin film materials’’, Nano-TN 2015, 5-6 February, Hammamet-Tunisia. http://Nano-TN2015.lpn.cnrs.fr


F. ELHAMRA, Said LAKEL, F. OKBI, K. ALMI,’’ Structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of ZnO under pressure’’, Conference, Matériaux 2015" Mahdia 22- 26 Mars 2015. http://www.materiaux-2015.com/


Farid OKBI, Said LAKEL, Fatima ELHAMRA,’’Ab initio study of phonon properties of Aluminium Phosphide’’,Conference "Matériaux 2015" Mahdia 22- 26 Mars 2015. http://www.materiaux-2015.com/


F. ELHAMRA, Said LAKEL, F. OKBI , K. ALMI ,’’Structural and elastic properties of BeO under pressure’’,

Conference "Matériaux 2015" Mahdia 22- 26 Mars 2015. http://www.materiaux-2015.com/


Said LAKEL , M. IBRIR , K. ALMI , ‘’Correlation between coating hardness and abrasion resistance of coated

nanoscale structure surfaces’’, Nanotech Conference 22 to 24 April 2015 in Hammamet – Tunisia



M. Ibrir, Said LAKEL, S. Alleg, Saadi BERRI, N.E. Fenineche and J.J. Suñol,’’ Structural, micro structural and thermal stability of FeSiB nanopowders alloys prepared by mechanical alloying’’, Nanotech Conference 22 to 24 April 2015 in Hammamet – Tunisia. http://www.setcor.org/conferences/Nanotech-Tunisia-2015


Bettayeb Souad Diha Abdalla, Boumerzoug Zakaria, Beribeche Hebbal Bilal, Heat treatment effect on creep strength of an industrial aluminum drawn wire tomsk ; Russia, 2015


Boumerzoug Zakaria, International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering [ICMSE2015] May 15- May 17, 2015 in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. ( Key-note speaker), http://www.mse2015.org/


M. Labed, F. Azri , AF. Meftah, N. Sengouga, Optical characterization of an a-IGZO thin film for Silvaco-Atlas simulation of  a thin film transistor (TFT), Nanoscience  and  Nanotechnology for Next Generation , nanong2015, 29-31 OCTOBER 2015, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey


  N.A. Abdeslam, S. Asadi, N. Sengouga, M.C.E. Yagoub, “Reliable small-signal time-domain physical and electrical FET modeling approach including deep level effects” Int. Conf. on Advanced Technology and Sciences (ICAT'15), Antalya, Turkey, 2015.


Said LAKEL, Fatima ELHAMRA, Farid OKBI, K. Almi " First-principles study of Optical properties of Zn1-xBexO alloys” 4th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress (APMAS2014) 24 to 27 April 2014 in Fethiye-Mugla, Turkey. http://apmas2014.org



S. Lakel, F. Okbi, M. Ibrir, K. Almi "Pressure effects on the elastic and lattice dynamics properties of AlP from firstprinciples calculations” 4th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress

(APMAS2014) 24 to 27 April 2014 in Fethiye-Mugla, Turkey. http://apmas2014.org



K. Almi, Said Lakel, A. Benchabane & A. Kriker, ‘’Characterization of Date Palm Wood Used as Composites

Reinforcement,’’ 4th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress (APMAS2014) 24 to 27 April 2014 in Fethiye-Mugla, Turkey. http://apmas2014.org


Miloud Ibrir, Said Lakel, Saadi Berri, Safia Alleg and Rachid Bensalem " Ab initio study of structural, electronic, magnetic alloys: XTiSb (X = Co,Ni and Fe” APMAS2014 in Fethiye-Mugla, Turkey. http://apmas2014.org


S. LAKEL, K. ALMI, M. IBRIR, ‘’Mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Zr2Al under high temperature and pressure from first-principles calculations’’, International Conference on Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials” 12-15 June 2014 in Cesme-Izmir Turkey. http://dalyatur.com/Tasarim/thermam2014_v1.pdf


Fellah Lancene, Boumerzoug Zakaria, Effect of wiredrawing on microstructural evolution of an industrial coppe wire conference on "Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development" Tomsk ; Russia,2014 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:2K6TaVuf8rgJ:conference.kazntu.kz/files/kazntu_22-25.04.2014_Tomsk_en.pdf+&cd=9&hl=fr&ct=clnk&gl=dz


Diha Abdalla, Boumerzoug Zakaria Heat treatment effect on creep strength of an industrial aluminum drawn wire Tomsk ; Russia, 2014




Boumerzoug Zakaria, Benmokhtar Aissa, Flame sprayed molybdenum coating on 42CrMo4 Steel Manisa,

ICWET’2014, Turky 2014 http://icwet14.cbu.edu.tr/


Boumerzoug Zakaria International Conference on Mechanics, Materials Science and Engineering, ICMMSE December 22 - 23, 2014 ... 34126 Istanbul Turkey https://www.waset.org/.../2014/.../istanbul/ICMMSE/h...


Boumerzoug Zakaria, The_6th_International Mutli Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation IMETI 2013 ; Florida , USA, July 9-12 2013 http://www.iiis2015.org/imeti/website/about.asp?vc=20


Beribeche, Z. Boumerzoug, and J. Vincent Heat treatment effect on the mechanical properties of industrial drawn copper wires, APMAS 2013, Antalya, Turkey. http://2013.apmascongress.org/


A. Beribeche, Z. Boumerzoug, and J. Vincent Heat treatment effect on the mechanical properties of industrial drawn copper wires, , ICMPMIT 2013, August, 17-19, 2013, Homg Kong. China.




A.Hamache, N. Sengouga and Af. Meftah, Numerical simulation of the type inversion in n+-p-p+ Si solar cells, used for space applications, under 1 MeV electron irradiation, Technology and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES14) International Conference, 10-13 April 2014, Beirut, Lebanon. http://tmrees.org/index.php/tmrees14/


M. Adaika, Af. Meftah, N. Sengouga, Numerical simulation of bias and light stress on indium-gallium-zincoxide (IGZO) thin film transistors, International Conference on Nanoscience&Nanotechnology For Next Generation (NANONG2014), Elazig, 20-22 August 2014. http://www.nanong2014.org/


S. Chala, N. Sengouga, and F. Yakuphanoglu, Characterisation and simulation of an n-CdO/p-Si heterostructure for solar cell applications, International Conference on Nanoscience&Nanotechnology For Next Generation (NANONG2014), Elazig, 20-22 August 2014. http://www.nanong2014.org/


M. Adaika, Af. Meftah, N. Sengouga, M Henini . Numerical simulation of bias and light stress on indiumgallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO) thin film transistors, Science & Applications of Thin Films Conference, (SATF2014), September 15th – 19th, 2014, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey. http://www.satf2014.org/


S. Chala, N. Sengouga, and F. Yakuphanoglu, Modelling the effect of defects n the performance of an n-CdO/p-Si solar cell, Science & Applications of Thin Films Conference (SATF 2014), September 15th – 19th, 2014, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey. http://www.satf2014.org/


M. Labed, F. Azri, AF. Meftah, N. Sengouga, Optical characterization of an a-IGZO thin film for Silvaco-Atlas simulation of a thin film transistor (TFT), Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Next Generation , nanong2015, 29-31 OCTOBER 2015, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey http://www.nanong2015.org/


Nora Amele Abdeslem, Shahrouz Asadi, Nouredine Sengouga, Mustapha Yagoub, Reliable Small-Signal Time- Domain Physical and Electrical FET Modeling Approach Including Deep Level Effects, International conference on advanced technology and sciences ICAT’15, Antalya, 4-7 August 2015, http://www.icatsconf.org/articles.pdf


Said Dehimi a, Aissat Abdelkader b,*,Djamel Haddad c, Lakhdar Dehimi d "Optimization of Optical Gain in Inx Ga1-xSb/GaSb unstrained quantum well structures". International Conference on Technologies and Materials forRenewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability, TMREES15 Energy Procedia 74 ( 2015 ) 191 – 197



Laboratoire de Matériaux Semi Conducteurs et Métalliques «LMSM» Université Mohamed Khider Biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algérie

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