Laboratoire de Recherche de Modélisation Numérique  et Instrument en Interaction Sol-Structure Université Mohamed Khider Biskra
Axes et Equipes de Recherche
Designed by Z.Bouraoui
Communication Internationales
Communications   internationales 11 Benmebarek   S ., Berrabah F. et  Benmebarek N .”  Conception et retour d’ expérience   de la construction du remblai routier  franchissant Chott el Hodna”, 3ème Conférence Maghrébine en Ingénierie  Géotechnique  (3ème   CMIG’13), Alger, 18 et  19 Novembre 2013 12 Belounar Lamine, Rebiai Cherif, Benmebarek Sadok .   Isoparametric   formulation of strain based rectangular finite  elements . First  International symposium on innovative technologies in engineering and science Sakarya University  congress and culture center 7 - 9 June  2013. 13 S. Benmebarek, N. Benmebarek   “  Performance improvement  of road embankment on Algeria Sabkha soils   by geosynthetics”,  The 5 th   International Geotechnical Symposium  - Incheon, 22 - 24,May, 2013. 14 T. Khelifa   and  S. Benmebarek  “ Dilation effect   on 3D   and 2D passive earth pressure coefficients”,  The 5 th   International Geotechnical Symposium  - Incheon, 22 - 24,May, 2013. 15 N. Benmebarek, S. Benmebarek and L .Belounar “ Seepage failure analysis of layered sandy ground within a cofferdam”,    The  5 th   International   Geotechnical Symposium  - Incheon, 22 - 24,May, 2013. 16 Houhou, M. N ., Emeriault, F., Kastner, R., 2012. Numerical back - analysis of a deep excavation consisting of  multipropped retaining wall. 3 rd    International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical  Engineering, 28 - 30 ,   June, Near   East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus, pp . 205 - 212. 17  Houhou, M. N ., Emeriault, F., 2013.  Mouvements induits sur des bâtiments existants par l’  excavation d’  une station de la  ligne B du métro de l’  agglomération Toulousaine.   3éme Conférence Maghrébine en I ngénierie Géotechnique, 18 - 19  Novembre, USTHB, Alger, pp. 443 -   449. 18 Houhou, M. N ., Emeriault, F.,  Benmebarek, S ., 2011.  Modélisation numérique d’  une excavation profonde instrumentée  soutenue par des parois moulées butonnées. 2éme Conférence   Internationale   sur le calcul numérique  en Géotechn ique, 20 - 21 Novembre, USTHB, Alger, pp. 198 -   204 . 19 Houhou, M. N .,  Emeriault, F., 2013 . Three - dimensional back - analysis of a monitored urban underground road consisting of propped diaphragm wall.  5th International  Geotech nical  Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Prevention, 22 - 24,   May, Incheon National  University, Korean Geotechnical Society , pp. 107 - 115 20 S. Benmebarek, M.S. Remadna, N. Benmebarek and L.Belounar   “  Numerical evaluation of the bearing capacity factor N’   of ring footings for associated soils”,   3 rd   International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics   and Geotechnical Engineering,   28 - 30 June 2012, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus. 21 N. Benmebarek, F. BERRABAH and S.Benmebarek   “  Numerical analysis of embankment reinforced by geosynthetics on sabkha soil”,   3 rd   International Conference on New  Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,   28 - 30 June 2012, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus. 22 M. S. Remadna, S.Benmebarek and L.Belounar   "Modélisation Numérique du Renforcement des Chaussées non Revêtues par Géogrille" PROC EEDINGS OF THE 15TH AFRICAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, MAPUTO, 18  –   21 JULY 2011, IOS Press, pp. 482 - 488. 23 S. Benmebarek, N. Benmebarek and L. Belounar   "Effect of Geosynthetic on the Performance of Road Embankmen t on  Algeria Sabkha Soils" PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH AFRICAN REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOIL  MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, MAPUTO, 18  –   21 JULY 2011, IOS Press, pp. 532 - 539. 24 S. Benmebarek, S. Tabti. And L. Belounar   “  Building road embankment on  Algeria Sabkha soils with geosynthetic ”,  GIGSA GeoAfrica 2009 Conference, Cape Town 2  -   5 September 2009. 25 S. Benmebarek, M.S. Remadna, L. Belounar.   “   Numerical studies of bearing capacity factors   N γ   and   Nc   for  nonassociative soils   ».   8th International   Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University,  Famagusta, North Cyprus, 15 - 17 September 2008
Designed by Zakaria.Bouraoui & Lyes.Ouzaid
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