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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne

Publications nationales


K. Bennaceur, A. Attaf, H. Saidi, N. Hamani, N. Lehraki , The influence of Indium Doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of SnO2:In Thin Films Deposited by Spray Technique; Courier de savoir, 2018


N. Hamani, A. Attaf, H. Saidi, K. Bennaceur, N. Messei, Structural, optical and electrical properties of tin doped In2O3 thin films prepared by spray ultrasonic, Courrier du Savoir – N° 25, Février 2018, pp.21-26




Publications internationales


A. Derbali, A.Attaf, H. Saidi and al. Investigation of structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnS thin films prepared by ultrasonic spray technique for photovoltaic applications. Optik, 154 (2018)286-293.


A. Derbali, H. Saidi, A. Attaf, H. Benamra, A. Bouhdjer, N. Attaf, H. Ezzaouia, L. Derbali and M.S. Aida, Solution flow rate influence on ZnS thin films properties grown by ultrasonic spray for optoelectronic application, Journal of Semiconductors, Vol. 39, No. 9 (2018).


K. Bennaceur, A. Attaf, H. Saidi, M.S. Aida, A. Bouhdjer, H.Ezzaouia , Effect of annealing temperature and indium doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of tin thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray, J FundamAppl Sci. 2018, 10(2), 84-96.


M. Dahnoun, A. Attaf, H. Saidi, R Benatia, A. Yahia, C. Khelifi, A. Saadi, N. Attaf, H. Ezzaouia, L. Guerbous, High transparent Titanium dioxide-anatase thin films deposited by spin coating technique: Effect of annealing temperature, Journal of nanoelectronics and optoelectronics, Vol. 13, pp. 1–7, 2018.


N. Hamani, A. Attaf, H. Saidi, K. G. Temam, A. Bouhdjer, K. Bennaceur, N. Messei, Y. Benkhetta, N. Attaf, Annealing effect on the properties of indium tin oxides (In2O3 :Sn) thin films prepared by ultrasonic spray technic, J FundamAppl Sci. 2018, 10(3), 161-172.


 Slimane Chala, Nouredine Sengouga, Fahrettin Yakuphano_glu, Saâd Rahmane, Madani Bdirina, Ibrahim Karteri ‘‘Extraction of ZnO thin film parameters for modeling a ZnO/Si solar cell’’, Energy 164 (2018) 871-880


Kouidri Nabila, Saâd Rahmane and Allag Abdelkrim, ‘‘Substrate temperature-dependent properties of sprayed cobalt oxide thin films’’ J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-018-0384-3


Elkhanssa Aidaoui, Hachemi Ben Temam, Okba Belahssen and El Hachmi Guettaf Temam. Morphjological, structural, microhardness and electrochemical characterizations of electrodeposited Cr and Ni–W coatings. Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. 24, 2018, No. 3, p. 234-240


Nadjette Belhamra, Abdrraouf Boulebtina, Khadidja Belassadi, Abdelouahed Chala, Malika Diafi,  Effect of Doping of Nanoparticles on the Properties of Zn-Ni Composite Coatings. Diffusion Foundations, Vol. 18, 2018, pp 19-26


Hichem Taoui, Hamza Bentrah, Abdelouahad Chala, Mounir Djellab,  Bark resin of Schinus molle as an eco-friendly inhibitor for API 5L X70 pipeline steel in HCl medium, Materials and corrosion, Vol. 69, Issue 10, Oct. 2018


Mounir Djellab, Hamza Bentrah, Abdelouahad Chala, Hichem Taoui,  Synergistic effect of halide ions and gum arabic for the corrosion inhibition of API5L X70 pipeline steel in H2SO4, Vol. 69, Issue 7, July 2018


Communications nationales


I. B. Kherkhachi, A. Attaf, H. Saidi, Z. Hebboul, Temperature Dependent Structural and Optical Properties of Tin Sulfide Thin Films, International conference Optics and Photonics Algeria (OPAL’2018), USTO-MB, Oran.


A. Bouhdjer, A Attaf, H. Saidi, Air pressure influence on properities of indium oxide (In2O3) nanostructured thin films grown by an ultrasonic spray cvd process, International Conference on Materials Science 2018 (ICMS2018), Université Setif 1.


Malika Diafi , Attended the international conference on materials SCIENCE HELD AT FERHAT ABBAS SETIF 1 UNIVERSITY ALGERIA 2018, The influence of Al2O3 concentration on the electrodeposition of Zn  alloys coatings


Allag Naciba, Siad Chahinez, Benhaoua Boubaker, Gasmi Brahim, Elaboration and Characterization of Copper Oxide layers by bath chemical, Les Énergies Renouvelables et l’Environnement JEERE’18 Université El-Oued


Allag Naciba, Benhaoua Boubaker, Siad Chahinez, Élaboration et caractérisation des couches d’oxyde de cuivre sur des substrats d’oxydes de Zinc par bain chimique ; Second Seminar on Thin Films and Applications, Université de Biskra ; 16/04/2018


Communications internationales


C. Siad, H. Touhami, A. Chala, S. Marmi, Influence of the electrodeposition current regime on the corrosion behavior of Zn and Zn-TiO2 composite coatings, PSE 2018, 17-21/09/2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.


A.Chala, S. Marmi, Microstructure and properties of electrodeposited Ni-Cr nanocomposite coatings, PSE 2018, 17-21/09/2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.


H. Bentemam, E. Guettaf Temam, E. Aidaoui, Physical and electrochemical properties of Ni/Mo thin films deposited at different electroplating current density, PSE 2018, 17-21/09/2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.


S. Rahmane, N. Kouidri, H. Attouche, Polycristalline Co3O4 thin films grown at different substrate temperature by pneumatic spray, PSE 2018, 17-21/09/2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.


S. Rahmane,  H. Attouche, N. Kouidri, Optoelectronic properties of TiO2 thin films elaborated by pneumatic spray,  PSE 2018, 17-21/09/2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany      


Malika Diafi , 2ème Journées Internationales ‹Gine des procédés au service du développement durable , 2018, Université Hassan 1e (Settat  Maroc), The influence of Fe+2 concentration on the electrodeposition of Zn-Fe alloys coatings.


S. Marmi, C. Siad, H. Marmi, A. Chala, corrosion resistance of electrodeposited Nickel coatings containing ZrO2 particles, 2nd workshop international demécanique des structures et des matériaux, Université de Batna 2, 17-18 Déc. 2018


S. Marmi, A. Chala, H. Marmi, C. Siad, N. Lemmouchi, Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in HCl solution by the extracts of juniperus phoenicia, 1st international conference on electrochemical science and technology, ICEST’18, Université Sétif1, 27-28/11/2018

Laboratoire de Physique des couches minces et applications« LPCMA » Université Mohamed Khider Biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algérie

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