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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne


c) Communications Internationales

 (1 par ligne en donnant obligatoirement le lien vers l’URL de la conf.)


O. Benelmir, S. Filali, "Modelisation, Estimate by Neural Networks and Control of a Biological Process". Sixth international conference on science and techniques of automatic control STA 2005; SOUSSE, December 19 – 21, 2005. www.sta-tn.com.


O. Benelmir, S. Filali, " Analyse et Estimation Pour le Contrôle d'un Procède Biotechnologique par les Réseaux de Neurones". The Eighth international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control November 05-07, 2007, Sousse, Tunisia.  www.sta-tn.com.  


O. Benelmir, S. Filali, " Modelling and Fuzzy Logic Control of a Fixed-Bed Biofilter" the Ninth to the 9th international Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering STA'2008. december, 20-23, 2008, Sousse, Tunisia. www.sta-tn.com.


O. Kadri, Z-E. Baarir, G. Schaefer, Y. Korovin : ' Color Image denoising Using Curvelets and Scale Dependent Shrinkage' (IEEE SMC 2020, October 11-14 2020, Toronto, Canada, https://sms2020.org ).


A. Zitouni, Z-E Baarir, A.Ouafi et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ' Influence of Filter banks in the Hierarchical Image Compression Algorithms' (ICEEB'18, 2-3 Décembre 2018, Biskra, Algerie).


A. Ourchani et Z-E. Baarir : ' Object Detection From Dynamic Background' (ICATS'17, 11-12 Décembre 2017, Annaba, Algerie).


A. Ourchani et Z-E. Baarir : ' Foreground Detection Using Block-Matching Full Search-LBP Algorithm For Dynamic Background video ( ISPA'17, 3-4 Décembre 2017, Mostaganem, Algerie).


O. Kadri et Z-E. Baarir : ' Still Image Compression Using Curvelets and Logarithmic Scalar Quantization  Technique (Draft) ' ( ICMCS'16, 29 Septembre-01 Octobre 2016, Marrakech, Maroc).


D. Boukhari et Z-E. Baarir : ' Lossless Image Medical Compression Based on Mojette Transform Using DWT ' (CEIT'2015, 25-27 Mai 2015, Tlemcen, Algerie).


D. Boukhari, Z-E. Baarir et A. Ouafi : ' Lossless Color Image Compression with Mojette Transform' (ICTA'14, 23-24 Avril 2014, Bejaia, Algerie).


A. Aissaoui, Z. Baarir, A.Ouafi, P.Pudlo, A.Taleb-Ahmed, C.Gillet et  F.Derraz : 'Evaluating and optimizing Multi-Camera Network Positionning for Motion Capture Tasks' ( ICEEB'2014, 07-08 Décembre 2014, Biskra, Algerie).


A. Zitouni, Z. Baarir, A. Ouafi, A. Taleb-Ahmed et  A. Khelifa : 'New Video Compression Using MSPIHT3D transformation' (MIC-Telecom'2014, 19-21 Décembre 2014, Istanbul, Turkey).


Ouafi Abdelkarim, Zitouni Athmane, Boukhari Djamel Eddine, Baarir Zineddine, Taleb Ahmed Abdlamlik, "New Approach Based on Quadtree Algorithm for Lossy Iimage Compression" ( 1st International Conference on Telecommunication Systems and Networks, 20-22 December 2013  Barcelona  Spain).


D-E. Boukhari,  A. Ouafi,  Z-E. Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘Lossless image compression based on Mojette Transform and improved differential coding’ (ISPA’12, 2-4  Décembre 2012, Mostaganem, Algérie).


D-E. Boukhari,  A. Ouafi,  Z-E. Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘Improved Mojette Transform using context modeling for lossless image compression’ (ISPA’12, 2-4 Décembre 2012, Mostaganem, Algérie).


D-E. Boukhari,  A. Ouafi,  Z-E. Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘ A new approach based on quadtree algorithm for image compression’ (ISPA’12, 2-4 Décembre 2012, Mostaganem, Algérie).A.


A. Zitouni, Z.E Baarir, A. Ouafi et A. Taleb-Ahmed: ‘A new application of MSPIHT for medical imaging’ (ISPA’12, 2-4 Décembre 2012, Mostaganem, Algérie).


F. Hamadache, F. Derraz, A. Taleb-Ahned, Z-E. Baarir et N. Diffellah : ‘A comparative analysis of image inpainting techniques’ (ISPA’12, 2-4 Décembre 2012, Mostaganem, Algérie).


N. Diffellah, F. Derraz, A. Taleb-Ahned, Z-E. Baarir et  F. Hamadache : ‘Image Restoration with denoising using a split-Bregman algorithm’ (ISPA’12, 2-4 Décembre 2012, Mostaganem, Algérie).


D. Boukhari,  A. Ouafi,  Z-E. Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘New approach for  lossless image compression based on Mojette transform’ (ICMCS’12,10-12 Mai 2012, Tanger, Maroc).


D. Boukhari, A. Ouafi, Z-E. Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘Lossless image compression  based on Mojette transform and mean coding’ (ICTA’12, 11-12 Avril 2012, Bejaia, Algerie).


D. Boukhari, A. Ouafi, Z-E. Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘Lossless of medical Image using Mojette Transform and predictive coding’ (BIOMEIC’12, 10-11 Octobre 2012, Tlemcen, Algerie).


S. Medouakh et  Z.E Baarir : ‘The Standard JPEG2000’ (ISPA’09,19-21 Octobre 2009, Mostaganem, Algérie).


A. Ouafi, A. Taleb-Ahmed, A. Zitouni et Z-E. Baarir :’Compression d’images sans pertes par transformation Mojette et codage differentiel’ (CNRIUT 2009, 8-10 Juin 2009, Lille, France).


Z.E. Baarir et F. Charif : ‘A modified Horn and Shunck method for robust boundary preserving estimatrion’ (IEEE-E- MEDICYS 2008, 29-31 Octobre 2008 , Sfax, Tunisie).


S. Medouakh et Z.E Baarir : ‘JPEG2000: La nouvelle norme de compression d’images (ICEEE’08, 21-23 avril 08, Laghouat, algérie).


A. Zitouni, Z.E Baarir, A. Ouafi, A. Taleb-Ahmed, N. Doghmane : ‘Medical compression of sequences by coding EZW3D and SPIHT3D’ (IEEE-Human’07 , 12-14 Mars 07, Timimoun


A. Djeffal et Z.E Baarir : ‘Codage vidéo par block matching adaptatif ‘ (INRIA CARI’06, 06-09 Novembre 06, Cotonou, Bénin).


A. Djeffal et Z.E  Baarir: ‘Compression video par block matching hybride’ (MCSEAI’06, 07-09 Décembre 06, Marrakech, Maroc).


F. Charif et  Z.E Baarir: ‘A Fast modified Horn and Shunck method’ (IEEE ISIE 2006, 09-12 July 06, Montreal, Quebec, Canada).


F. Charif et Z.E Baarir : ‘A modified Horn and Shunck estimation’ (IEEE-IPMU 06, 02-07 July 06, Paris, France).


A. Ouafi, A.Taleb-Ahmed, Z.E. Baarir, N. Doghmane, A. Zitouni: ’Color image coding by modified embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) algorithm  (IEEE-ICTTA’06, 24-28 April 06, Damascus, Syria).


F. Charif et Z. Baarir: ‘Relations between different methods for fast computation of a boundary preserving estimate of optical flow’ (IEEE – SSD’05, 21 – 24 March 05, Sousse, Tunisie).


N. Terki, N. Doghmane, Z-E. Baarir and   A. Ouafi: ‘Study of   filter effects in wavelet  image  compression’( ICCTA’04, 19-23 April 04, Damascus, Syria).


Z-E.  Baarir and A. Ouafi: ‘Study of  effect  of  filters and  decomposition  level  in  wavelet   image compression’   (CoastGIS’03, Genova, Italy, 16-18 October 2003).


S. Femmam et Z-E. Baarir :  ‘Algorithmes  de  prédiction adaptative  pour  les  filtres  en  treillis’ (JTEA’98 , 6 –7  Novembre 98 , Hammamet, Nabeul, Tunisie).


Z-E. Baarir: ‘Modeling of Local Dynamic Errors for Fast A/D Converters’ (EMBEC’99, 4-7 November 99, Vienna, Austria).


Z-E. Baarir et J. Oksman : ‘Méthodes de caractérisation   des erreurs   dynamiques globales et locales  des  Convertisseurs Analogiques - Numériques ultra-rapides’ (CCM’98, 6-8  Juillet 98, Villeurbanne,  Lyon, Franc


M. Benatia, Z-E. Baarir et K. Romeo : ‘Analyse   statistique  des   textures’  (JTEA’97, 5 - 6  Novembre  97 ,  Hammamet ,  Nabeul , Tunisie ).


J. Oksman et Z-E. Baarir : ‘Caractérisation   des erreurs des analyseurs numériques’ (Colloque de la SEE, Ecole Supérieure  d’Electricité, 03 Juin 1986, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France).


Bellal Hafhouf; Athmane Zitouni;Ahmed Chaouki Megherbi;Salim Sbaa, A Modified U-Net for Skin Lesion Segmentation, 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP) , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9151511


Djemai Charef-Khodja;Toumi Abida;Salim Sbaa;Saadia Medouakh, Robust visual tracking method based on Harris Hawks algorithm, 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9151714


Radouane Bousseksou;Noureddine Bessous;Abdelkrim Allag;Salim Sbaa, Global Assessment about the Different Conditions of Rotor Eccentricity Fault in the Induction Motors, 1th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC) , Year: 2019 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8950533


Ajgou Riadh, Sbaa Salim, Said. Ghendir, Chemsa Ali, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed, "Robust Remote Speaker Recognition System Based on AR-MFCC features and Efficient Speech activity detection Algorithm," Eleventh International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'2014), 26th – 29th August 2014, Barcelona, Spain. Editée on: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org


Riadh Ajgou, Salim Sbaa, Said Ghendir,Ali Chamsa and A. Taleb-ahmed," Effects of speech codecs on a remote speaker recognition system using a new SAD," Proceedings of the 2014, International Conference on Systems, Control, Signal Processing and Informatics II (SCSI '14),Prague, Czech Republic April 2-4, 2014.


Said. Ghendir, Salim. Sbaa, Riadh. Ajgou, Abdelmalik. Taleb-Ahmed and Ali. Chemsa, "High Bit Rate UWB Communication in Dense Multipath Channels," Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Latest Trends on Communications, Athens, Greece July 17-21,2014.



Salima Aouragh, Salim Sbaa et Taleb-Ahmed Abdelmalik, A survey of approaches for curve based facial surface representations to three-dimensional face recognition, conférence internationale (Compression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels) pp 174-179 , Proceding CORESA Lille 24-25 mai 2012



Zehani S, Ouahabi A, Mimi M, Taleb-Ahmed A. “Statistical features extraction in wavelet domain for texture classification”, Conf Proc the  6th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (IEEE/ISPA), 24–25 November 2019;1–5, Mostaganem, Algeria. https://easychair.org/cfp/ISPA19


Zehani S, Ouahabi A, Oussalah M, Mimi M, Taleb-Ahmed A. “New and Robust Method for Trabecular Bone Texture Based on Fractal Dimension”,  Conf Proc 42th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON), 2016; 992-997, Florence, Italy. http://www.iecon2016.org/.


S. Zehani, A. Taleb-Ahmed, M. Mimi & A. Toumi, “Anisotropy Analysis of Texture using Wavelets Transform and Fractal Dimension”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing – ATSIP’2016, March 21-24, 2016, Monastir, Tunisia. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7523103.


S. Zehani,  M. Khider,  A. Toumi,  A. Taleb-Ahmed  &  M. Mimi, “Directional Bone Texture Classification using Wavelets Transform and Fractal Dimension”, The Fourth International Conference  On Image and Signal Processing  and their Applications : ISPA 2015, 6 & 7 September 2015, Université Abdel Hamid Ben Badais, Mostaganem, Algérie. https://www.univ-mosta.dz/conference-ispa-2015/


Bekhouche, SE., Ouafi, A., Taleb-Ahmed, A., Hadid, A. and Benlamoudi, A., 2014, December.Facial age estimation using bsif and lbp. In Proceeding of the first International Conference onElectrical Engineering ICEEB 14. (Biskra, Algeria).


Benlamoudi, A., Samai, D., Ouafi, A., Taleb-Ahmed, A., Bekhouche, SE., and Hadid, A., 2015, April. Face spoofing detection from single images using active shape models with Stasm and LBP. In Proceeding of the Troisième Conférence internationale sur la Vision Artificielle CVA’2015. (Tizi Ouzou, Algeria).


Bekhouche, SE., Ouafi, A., Benlamoudi, A., Taleb-Ahmed, A. and Hadid, A., 2015, May. Facial age estimation and gender classification using multi level local phase quantization. In 2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) (pp. 1-4).IEEE. (Tlemcen, Algeria)


Benlamoudi, A., Samai, D., Ouafi, A., Bekhouche, SE., Taleb-Ahmed, A. and Hadid, A.2015, May. Face spoofing detection using local binary patterns and Fisher score. In 2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) (pp. 1-5).IEEE. (Tlemcen, Algeria)


Bekhouche, SE., Ouafi, A., Benlamoudi, A., Taleb-Ahmed, A. and Hadid, A., 2015, November. Automatic age estimation and gender classification in the wild. In Proceeding of the the International Conference on Automatic control, Telecommunication and Signals (ICATS’15).(Annaba, Algeria)


Benlamoudi, A., Samai, D., Ouafi, A., Bekhouche, SE., Taleb-Ahmed, A. and Hadid, A., 2015, November. Face spoofing detection using multi-level local phase quantization (ML-LPQ). In Proceeding of the the International Conference on Automatic control, Telecommunication andSignals (ICATS’15). (Annaba, Algeria)


Bekhouche, SE., Dornaika, F., Ouafi, A. and Taleb-Ahmed, A., 2017, July. Personality traits and job candidate screening via analyzing facial videos. In 2017 IEEE Conference on ComputerVision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) (pp. 1660-1663). IEEE. (Honolulu, USA)


Boulkenafet, Z., Komulainen, J., Akhtar, Z., Benlamoudi, A., Samai, D., Bekhouche, SE., Ouafi, A., Dornaika, F., Taleb-Ahmed, A., Qin, L. and Peng, F., 2017, October. A competition on generalized software-based face presentation attack detection in mobile scenarios. In 2017 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) (pp. 688-696). IEEE. (Denver, USA)


L. Zaghba, M.Khennane, A.Borni, A. Bouchakour, A. Fezzani, I. Hadj Mahamed, S. H.Oudjana, N.Terki,” Robust Tracking with Fuzzy sliding mod control strategy for grid connected photovoltaic system”, the third Edition of the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’15),Marrakech&Ouarzazate, Maroc,2015.


S. Ouarhlent, N. Terki,  control of two  link  robot manipulator,  ENPC, JSSE'18


Djamel EddineTOUILNadjiba TERKI,Khelil SIDI BRAHIM ,Robust Visual Tracking based on Deep Learning and optimized Correlation Filters, International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB’2018


Houhou, I., Zitouni, A., Ruichek, Y., Gouizi, F., Bekhouche, SE., and Taleb-Ahmed. A, 2018, December. Background Subtraction using a scaled SuBSENSE. In Proceeding of the first International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB 18. (Biskra, Algeria)


Djamel Eddine TOUIL, Nadjiba TERKI,   Optimal location estimation using a metaheuristic algorithm and deep learning for visual tracking,9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC) 2018


Djamel Eddine TOUIL, Nadjiba TERKI, Abdennour AOUINAand Riadh AJGOU,    Intelligent Image-based-Visual Servoing for Quadrotor Air Vehicle, International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering    2018 


Djamel EddineTOUIL  Nadjiba TERKI Yahia KOURD,  Optimal target location estimation  using metaheuristic and deep learning algorithms for visual tracking;   Third International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICTAEE’18.), December 10-12 2018


Djamel EddineTouil, Nadjiba TERKI, Riadh AJGOU,4th Khelil SIDI BRAHIM Optimum Correlation filters for Visual Tracking via Histogram of Gradient Features and SVM classifier;International Symposium$ sustainable industry  developement 2019


Khelil SIDI BRAHIM1 ,Nadjiba TERKI and Djamel Eddine TOUIL Tuning PID Controller for Altitude and Attitude of a Microcoaxial Helicopter Using Bat Algorithm,Third International Symposium on Technology and Sustainable Industry ,2019


Khelil SIDI BRAHIM1 ,Nadjiba TERKI and Djamel Eddine TOUIL,   LQR Control of Microcoaxial Helicopter Based on a Leunberger observer;The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’2018.


D. Charef-Khodja, A. Toumi, S. Sbaa and S. Medouakh, "Robust visual tracking method based on Harris Hawks algorithm," 020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP), EL OUED, Algeria, 2020, pp. 180-185, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9151714.


HASSANI Mohamed Fouad, ABIDA Toumi, BENKRINAH Sabra, SBAA Salim,     GNSS PRN codes acquisition using Adaptive Thresholding CFAR in Multipath Interference, 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP), EL OUED, Algeria, 2020. https://www.univ-eloued.dz/CCSSP2020/


Abida TOUMI, Abir BETKA, Salim SBAA, Nadjiba TERKI. “WPBO: A New Metaheuristic Technique Inspired from Wolf Pack Behaviour”. The META’2018 International conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing. https://meta2018.sciencesconf.org/


Samia Noureddine, Abida Toumi, Abir Betka, “ Symbiotic Approach for Datamining”, ICCES’18  the 4th ACM International Conference of Computing for Engineering and Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — July 06 - 08, (2018), ISBN: 978-1-4503-6447-8, https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3213187.3287610.


Noureddine Bessous ; Salim Sbaa ; Abida Toumi, Experimental investigation on broken rotor bar faults in three phase induction motors using MVSA-FFT method, 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2018. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8751793.


Noureddine Bessous ; Salim Sbaa ; Abida Toumi, A detailed study of the spectral content in the stator current of asynchronous machines under broken rotor bar faults using MCSA technique, 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2018. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8751876


Abir BETKA, Nadjiba TERKI, Abida TOUMI, Habiba DAHMANI, “An Enhanced GWO Algorithm for Solving Block Matching Problem”. The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’2018. http://univ-biskra.dz/index.php/fr/manifestations-sc/1708-second-international-conference-on-electrical-engineering-iceeb%E2%80%992018


Imane Khetta, A. Toumi, Abir Betka, Salim Sbaa, Mobile network design Problem Resolution Based on Optics Inspired Optimization Algorithm, 5th International Conference on: Image and Signal Processing and their Application, ISPA’2017, Mostaganem, Algeria, 3 & 4 December 2017. http://ispaconf.univ-mosta.dz/index.php


Fatiha Hani, A. Toumi, Abir Betka, Salim Sbaa, Knapsack Problem Resolution Based On Optics Inspired Optimization Algorithm, 5th International Conference on: Image and Signal Processing and their Application, ISPA’2017, Mostaganem, Algeria, 3 & 4 December 2017. http://ispaconf.univ-mosta.dz/index.php


S. Zehani, A. Taleb-Ahmed, M. Mimi & A. Toumi, “Anisotropy Analysis of Texture using Wavelets Transform and Fractal Dimension”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing – ATSIP’2016, March 21-24, 2016, Monastir, Tunisia. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7523103


S. Zehani,  M. Khider,  A. Toumi,  A. Taleb-Ahmed  &  M. Mimi, “Directional Bone Texture Classification using Wavelets Transform and Fractal Dimension”, The Fourth International Conference  On Image and Signal Processing  and their Applications : ISPA 2015, 6 & 7 September 2015, Université Abdel Hamid Ben Badais, Mostaganem, Algérie. https://www.univ-mosta.dz/conference-ispa-2015/


L.zaghba, A .Borni, A.Bouchakour, N.Terki, « Intelligent Control MPPT Technique for PV Module at Varying Atmospheric Conditions Using MATLAB/ SIMULINK», IEEE publisher, ieeexplore.ieee.org/ DOI:10.1109/IRSEC.2014.7059793,pp: 661 – 666.


L.zaghba, A.Borni, A.Bouchakour,N.Terki, «An intelligent approach based on fuzzy logic for improving and optimizing the performance of a photovoltaic system», IEEE publisher, ieeexplore.ieee.org/, DOI: 10.1109/CISTEM.2014.7077042


L. Zaghba, A .Borni, A.Bouchakour, N.Terki, «Maximum power point tracking using adaptive Intelligent fuzzy logic control for standealone photovoltaic Array system under different weather conditions»,3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Electrical Engineering (ICIPEE’14), Tébessa,November 24-25, 2014.              


  L. Zaghba, A.Bouchakour, A .Borni,  N.Terki, “Modeling and Simulation to Study the effects of Partial Shading on PV Array under different configuration”,First  International Conference on ElectricalEngineering, ICEEB’14 Biskra, December 07-08, 2014.


L.Zaghba ,N.Terki, M. Khennane , A.Borni, A. Bouchakour , A. Fezzani, I. Hadj Mahamed, S. H.Oudjana,  “Simulation and Study the impact of partial shading conditions on the MPPT tracking operation for the Photovoltaic System”,2nd International Conference on Automatics and Mechatronics (CIAM'2015), November 10-11, 2015.


L. Zaghba, Benbitour née KhennaneMessaouda, A.Borni, A. Bouchakour , A. Fezzani, I. Hadj Mahamed , S. H.Oudjana, N.Terki, ”Adaptive MPPT Optimization Based On The Radial Basis Network Approach And Feedforward Decoupling Current Control For A Grid Connected Pv System Adapted For Unstable Atmospheric Condition”,  The third. European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, 07-10 October 2015, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey.


L. Zaghba, M.Khennane, A.Borni, A. Bouchakour, A. Fezzani, I. Hadj Mahamed, S. H.Oudjana, N.Terki,” Robust Tracking with Fuzzy sliding mod control strategy for grid connected photovoltaic system”, the third Edition of the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’15),Marrakech&Ouarzazate, Maroc,2015.


S. Ouarhlent, N. Terki,  control of two  link  robot manipulator,  ENPC, JSSE'18


Djamel EddineTOUILNadjiba TERKI,Khelil SIDI BRAHIM ,Robust Visual Tracking based on Deep Learning and optimized Correlation Filters, International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB’2018


.Djamel Eddine TOUIL, Nadjiba TERKI,   Optimal location estimation using a metaheuristic algorithm and deep learning for visual tracking,9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC) 2018


Djamel Eddine TOUIL, Nadjiba TERKI, Abdennour AOUINAand Riadh AJGOU,    Intelligent Image-based-Visual Servoing for Quadrotor Air Vehicle, International Conference on Communications and Electrical Engineering 2018 


 Djamel EddineTOUIL  Nadjiba TERKI Yahia KOURD,  Optimal target location estimation  using metaheuristic and deep learning algorithms for visual tracking;   Third International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICTAEE’18.), December 10-12 2018


Djamel EddineTouil, Nadjiba TERKI, Riadh AJGOU,4th Khelil SIDI BRAHIM Optimum Correlation filters for Visual Tracking via Histogram of Gradient Features and SVM classifier;International Symposium$ sustainable industry  developement 2019


Khelil SIDI BRAHIM1 ,Nadjiba TERKI and Djamel Eddine TOUIL Tuning PID Controller for Altitude and Attitude of a Microcoaxial Helicopter Using Bat Algorithm,Third International Symposium on Technology and Sustainable Industry ,2019


Khelil SIDI BRAHIM1 ,Nadjiba TERKI and Djamel Eddine TOUIL,   LQR Control of Microcoaxial Helicopter Based on a Leunberger observer;The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’2018.


Abir BETKA, Nadjiba TERKI, Abida TOUMI, Habiba DAHMANI, “An Enhanced GWO Algorithm for Solving Block Matching Problem”. The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’2018


Abida TOUMI, Abir BETKA, Salim SBAA, Nadjiba TERKI. “WPBO: A New Metaheuristic Technique Inspired fromWolf Pack Behaviour”, The META’2018 International conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing


FadiElislam ROUAG,N. Terki,DjamelEddineTouil, Improving the Correlation Filter-based Tracking Using Low-illumination Enhancement Method, Conference: 2020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP)


Khelil SIDI BRAHIM,N. Terki, Djamel EddineTouil,Robust Altitude and Attitude Model Free Control for a Microcoaxial Helicopter, Conference: 2020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and Signal Processing (CCSSP)


L.zaghba, A .Borni, A.Bouchakour, N.Terki, « Intelligent Control MPPT Technique for PV Module at Varying Atmospheric Conditions Using MATLAB/ SIMULINK», IEEE publisher,ieeexplore.ieee.org/ DOI:10.1109/IRSEC.2014.7059793,pp: 661 – 666.


L.zaghba, A.Borni, A.Bouchakour,N.Terki, «An intelligent approach based on fuzzy logic for improving and optimizing the performance of a photovoltaic system», IEEE publisher, ieeexplore.ieee.org/, DOI: 10.1109/CISTEM.2014.7077042


L. Zaghba, A .Borni, A.Bouchakour, N.Terki, «Maximum power point tracking using adaptive Intelligent fuzzy logic control for standealone photovoltaic Array system under different weather conditions»,3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Electrical Engineering (ICIPEE’14), Tébessa,November 24-25, 2014.


  L. Zaghba, A.Bouchakour, A .Borni,  N.Terki, “Modeling and Simulation to Study the effects of Partial Shading on PV Array under different configuration”,First  International Conference on ElectricalEngineering, ICEEB’14 Biskra, December 07-08, 2014.


L.Zaghba ,N.Terki, M. Khennane , A.Borni, A. Bouchakour , A. Fezzani, I. Hadj Mahamed, S. H.Oudjana,  “Simulation and Study the impact of partial shading conditions on the MPPT tracking operation for the Photovoltaic System”,2nd International Conference on Automatics and Mechatronics (CIAM'2015), November 10-11, 2015.


  L. Zaghba, Benbitour née KhennaneMessaouda, A.Borni, A. Bouchakour , A. Fezzani, I. Hadj Mahamed , S. H.Oudjana, N.Terki, ”Adaptive MPPT Optimization Based On The Radial Basis Network Approach And Feedforward Decoupling Current Control For A Grid Connected Pv System Adapted For Unstable Atmospheric Condition”,  The third. European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, 07-10 October 2015, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey.




d) Communications nationales (1 par ligne en donnant obligatoirement le lien vers l’URL de la conf.)


 O. Benelmir, S. Filali , Communication Orale"Fuzzy Logic Controller of Wastewater" 1nd  Journées sur les scisnces et technologies avancées, Université de Guelma. 24 - 25 Mai 03 JSTA’2003 Guelma.


A. Aissaoui, Z.E. Baarir. A.Ouafi, P.Pudlo, A.Taleb-Ahmed, C.Gillet et  F.Derraz : 'Optimisation de Placement de Cameras pour la simulation biomécanique basée sur la motion capture' (2eme workshop IGVA, 8-10 Juin 2014, Biskra, Algérie). 


A. Ourchani et Z-E. Baarir : ' Segmentation de Séquences d'Images au sens du mouvement' (2eme workshop IGVA, 8-10 Juin 2014, Biskra, Algérie). 


S. Medouakh et Z.E Baarir : ‘Lutilisation des filtres 9/7 et 5/3 dans la norme JPEG2000’ (SNIB’08, 06-08 Mai 2008, Biskra, Algérie).


S. Medoouakh et Z.E Baarir : ‘Compression d’images fixes par la norme JPEG2000’ (JIG’2007, 29-30 Octobre 2007, Constantine, Algérie).


F. Charif et  Z.E Baarir: ‘A Fast modified Horn and Shunck method for the estimation of optical flow fields’ (JIG 2006, 06-07 Novembre 06, Tebessa, Algerie).


F. Charif et  Z.E Baarir : ‘Fast motion estimation’ (SNIB’06, 02-04 Mai 06, Biskra, Algérie).


F. Charif et  Z. Baarir : ‘Robust and fast estimation of optical flow’ (4ème conférence sur le Génie Electrique, 12-13  Avril 05, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Bordj Elbahri, Alger, Algérie).


A. Saadi, A. Moussi, F. Charif et Z-E. Baarir : ‘Study of an artificial neural network  and its application for the improvement of a photovoltaic pumping water system’ (ACIT’2004, 12 - 15 Décembre  04, Université de Constantine, Algérie).


Z-E. Baarir, N. Doghmane, A. Ouafi et N. Terki : ‘Compression    d’images    fixes   biomédicales    par    transformée   en    ondelettes,  quantification  vectorielle et  codage  entropique’  (SNAS’02, Université d’Annaba,  27et 28/10/2002).


Doghmane, Z-E. Baarir, N. Terki and A. Ouafi : ‘Study of  effect  of  filters and  decomposition  level  in  wavelet   image compression’  ( SNAS’02 , Université d’Annaba, 27et 28/10/2002 ).


R. Boumaraf, A. Debilou et Z-E. Baarir : ‘Réalisation  d’un  corrélateur analogique-numérique en temps réel (SNGE’95, 4-6  Décembre 95, Université de Biskra, Algérie).


ME. Zighem, A. Ouafi, SE. Bekhouche, A. Benlamoudi, and A. Taleb-Ahmed, “Age Estimation Based on Color Facial Texture,” 10 ème Conférence sur le Génie Electrique, April 2017.


A. Benlamoudi, F. Bougourzi, ME. Zighem, SE. Bekhouche, A. Ouafi, and A. TalebAhmed, “Face Anti-Spoofing Combining MLLBP and MLBSIF,” 10 ème Conférence sur le Génie Electrique, April 2017.


F. Bougourzi, SE. Bekhouche, ME. Zighem, A. Benlamoudi, A. Ouafi, and A. TalebAhmed, “A Comparative Study On Textures Descriptors In Facial Gender Classification,”10 ème Conférence sur le Génie Electrique, April 2017.


L. Zaghba , A. Borni, A. Bouchakour 1 and N. Terki,Buck-boost converter system modelling and incremental inductance algorithm for photovoltaic system via Matlab/Simulink,Revue des Energies Renouvelables SIENR’14Ghardaïa (2014) 63 – 70.



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