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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne


a) Publications Internationales Exceptionnelles, A, B (selon les bases de données Internationales WOS,Scopus (1 par ligne en donnant obligatoirement le lien vers la revue /’URL)


O. BENELMIR, S. FILALI: "Neural Networks Identification and Control of a Biological   Process" WSEAS Transactions on Systems; ISNN: 1109-2777, Issue 4, Volume 5, April 2006.  pp 651-657.  http://www.worldses.org/journals/  


S.BOUOUDEN, O.BENELMIR, S.ZIANI, S.FILALI "New Adaptive Fuzzy Model Based Predictive Control with Output Terminal Constraints" international journal of information & systems sciences ISSN:  1708-296x, volume 3, number 1, 2007 pp 25-35.  http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ijiss


O. BENELMIR, S. FILALI: "Modelling and Neural Networks Control of Bioreactors in Wastewater Treatment Process". International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering; ISSN: 1737-7749, volume 1, june 2007, pp 109-120.  http://www.sta-tn.com/IJ-STA.htm


S. Noureddine, Z-E. Baarir, A. Toumi, A. Betka, A.N. Benharkat : 'A New Predictive Medical Approach Based on Data Mining and Symbiotic Organisms Search algorithm' (International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2020, p. 1-15,  https://doi.org/10.1080/1206212X.2020.1809825) .


O. Kadri, Z-E. Baarir et G. Schaefer : ' Power shrinkage-curvelet domain image denoising using a new scale-dependent shrinkage function' (Signal , Image and video Processing, Vol 7, May 2019).


N. Diffellah, Z-E Baarir, F. Derraz, A. Taleb-Ahmed : ' A Global Variational Filter for Restoring Noised Images with Gamma Multiplicative Noise' (Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol. 9, No 3,2019, 4188-4195). https://www.etasr.com/index.php/ETASR/article/view/2737


A. Ourchani, Z-E Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed: ' A New Method for the Optical Flow Estimation and Segmentation of Moving Objects (NMES)' (Int.J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol. 17, Nos. 1/2, 2018).



A. Aissaoui,  A. Ouafi, P. Pudlo, C. Gillet, Z-E Baarir et A. Taleb-Ahmed : 'Designing a camera placement assistance system for human motion capture based on a guided genetic algorithm' ( Virtual Reality, D01. 10.1007/s10055-017-0310-7, 04/04/2017).  https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10055-017-0310-7   


S. Abdesselem, A. Betka et  Z-E. Baarir : 'Application of stand-PSO technique for optimization camera'2D dispositions in a MoCap system' (Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, Issue 1/2016, vol. 10, No 21, pp. 9-16, Suceava). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301352274_Application_of_Stand-PSO_Technique_for_Optimization_Cameras'_2D_Dispositions_in_a_MoCap_system


A. Aissaoui, Z. Baarir. A. Ouafi, P. Pudlo, A. Taleb-Ahmed, C. Gillet et  F. Derraz : 'Optimisation technique of camera placement for motion capture simulations' (Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2014, Vol.17, No S1, 122-123,  http://dx.doi.org /10.1080/ 10255842.2014.931517).


A. Zitouni, Z-E. Baarir, A.Ouafi, A. Taleb-Ahmed : ‘New Approach of MSPIHT for Medical Imaging’

 (Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, No. 13(6)/2012, Suceava,  www.jacs.usv.ro ).


S. Medouakh et Z.E. Baarir : ‘Entropy Encoding EBCOT (Embedded Block Coding With Optimised Truncation) in JPEG2000’ (International Journal of Computer Science Issues IJCSI, Vol 8, Issue 3, May 2011). https://ijcsi.org/papers/IJCSI-8-4-1-531-536.pdf


A. Ouafi, A.Taleb-Ahmed, A. Zitouni, Z.E. Baarir: ’Lossless  Image  Compression Based on Mojette Transform and Differential Coding’ (Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics, No 11 (5)/2011, Suceava).



A. Zitouni, Z.E. Baarir, A. Ouafi and A. Taleb-Ahmed: ’ A new approach based on set partitioning in hierarchical tree algorithm for image compression’ (Journal of Computer Technology and Application JCTA(vol.2,N°.4,2011)).


S. Medouakh and Z-E. Baarir: ’ Study of the standard JPEG2000 in image compression’(International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887), Volume 18-N°1, March2011).


A. Ouafi, A.Taleb-Ahmed and Z.E. Baarir: ‘A modified embedded zero tree wavelet (MEZW) algorithm for image compression’ (J Math Imaging Vis (2008) 30: 298-307).



A. Ouafi, Z.E. Baarir, A. Taleb-Ahmed and Co: ‘New approach based on Shapiro’s embedded zero tree wavelet algorithm for image compression’ (Optical Engineering 46(6), 1 (june2007)).



N. Terki,  N.Doghmane et  Z.E. Baarir: ‘Adaptative wavelet filters for image coding (Journal of wavelet theory and applications, ISSN 0973-6336 Volume 1 Number 1 (2007) pp.115-124).


Z.E. Baarir et F. Charif : ‘Fast global motion estimation for image sequences’  (AJIT 5(9) :968-975, 2006).


Z-E. Baarir and P. Crozat: ‘Simulation  of  Josephson  logic  gates’ ( IEEE  Transactions on Instrumentation and  Measurement, vol IM 32 N°1, March 1983).


Bekhouche, SE., Ouafi, A., Dornaika, F., Taleb-Ahmed, A. and Hadid, A., 2017. Pyramid multi-level features for facial demographic estimation. Expert Systems with Applications, 80, pp.297-310. (Journal Ranking Q1: Engineering, Multidisciplinary), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0957417417301793


Bekhouche, S. E., F. Dornaika, A. Benlamoudi, A. Ouafi, and A. Taleb-Ahmed. "A comparative study of human facial age estimation: handcrafted features vs. deep features." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2020): 1-18. (Journal Ranking Q1: Engineering, Media Technology)



Adel Saoud, Abdelmalik Oumane, Abdelkrim Ouafi,  Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed, “Multimodal 2d + 3d multi-descriptor tensor for face verification”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020.



Zighem Mohamed Ennadhirm Abdelkrim Ouafi, Athmane Zitouni, YassineRuichek, AbdelmalikTaleb-Ahmed,”Two-stages based facial demographic attributes combination for age estimation”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol 61, pp 236-249, 2019.



D.Charef-Khodja, A.Toumi, S.Medouakh,S.Sbaa, A novel visual tracking method using stochastic fractal search algorithm, Signal, Image and Video Processing, pp.1-9, 2020.


F Bougourzi, K Mokrani, Y Ruichek, F Dornaika, A Ouafi, “Fusion of Transformed Shallow Features for Facial Expression Recognition”, IET Image Processing, 2019.



A Benlamoudi, KE Aiadi, A Ouafi, D Samai, M Oussalah, “Face antispoofing based on frame difference and multilevel representation”‏, Journal of Electronic Imaging 2017 vol 26 (4), 043007.



Charef-Khodja, D., Toumi, A., Medouakh, S., & Sbaa, S. (2020). A novel visual tracking method using stochastic fractal search algorithm. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 1-9.



Rouis, M., Sbaa, S., & Benhassine, N. E. (2019). The effectiveness of the choice of criteria on the stationary and non-stationary noise removal in the phonocardiogram (PCG) signal using discrete wavelet transform. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik.



Ghendir, Said, Salim Sbaa, Ali Al-Sherbaz, Riadh Ajgou, and Ali Chemsa. "Towards 5G wireless systems: A modified Rake receiver for UWB indoor multipath channels." Physical Communication 35 (2019): 100715.



Rouis, Mohamed, Abdelkrim Ouafi, and Salim Sbaa. "Optimal level and order detection in wavelet decomposition for PCG signal denoising." Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik 64, no. 2 (2019): 163-176.



Bessous, N., S. Sbaa, and A. C. Megherbi. "Mechanical fault detection in rotating electrical machines using MCSA-FFT and MCSA-DWT techniques." Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 67, no. 3 (2019).



Bessous, Noureddine, Salim Sbaa, Radouane Bousseksou, and Abdelkrim Allag. "Detailed Study of Rolling Bearing Element Faults in Rotating Electrical Machines using MVSA Technique." Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 13, no. 3 (2019): 75-82.



Riadh AJGOU, Salim SBAA, Ghendir Said, A. Chemsa, A. Taleb-Ahmed," Robust Speaker Identification System Over AWGN Channel Using Improved features Extraction and Efficient SAD Algorithm with Prior SNR Estimation",international journal of circuits, systems and signal processing, 2016, vol. 10.pp. 108-118.



Said Ghendir, Salim Sbaa, Riadh Ajgou, A. Chemsa, A. Taleb-Ahmed, "Performance Evaluation

of Time Hopping UWB Transmission using S-Rake Receiver", WSEAS Transactions on

communication, Vol 14, 2015,online- pp74-8,1



Riadh AJGOU, Salim SBAA, Ghendir Said, A. Chemsa, A. Taleb-Ahmed, "Novel Detection

Algorithm of Speech Activity and the impact of Speech Codecs on Remote Speaker Recognition

System", WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014, vol. 10. pp. 309-3



Zehani, S, Ouahabi, A, Oussalah, M, Mimi, M, Taleb-Ahmed, A. Bone microarchitecture characterization based on fractal analysis in spatial frequency domain imaging. Int J Imaging Syst Technol. 2020; 1-19.  https://doi.org/10.1002/ima.22512


NOUREDDINE Samia, BAARIR Zineeddine , TOUMI Abida, BETKA Abir and BENHARKAT Aicha-Nabila. A new predictive medical approach based on data mining and Symbiotic Organisms Search algorithm. International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2020, p. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/1206212X.2020.1809825


Charef-Khodja, D., Toumi, A., Medouakh, S. et al. "A novel visual tracking method using stochastic fractal search algorithm". SIViP (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-020-01748-7.



BETKA, Abir, TERKI, Nadjiba, TOUMI, Abida, et al. Grey wolf optimizer-based learning automata for solving block matching problem. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2020, vol. 14, no 2, p. 285-293.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-019-01554-w


BETKA Abir, TERKI Nadjiba, TOUMI Abida, et al. “A new block matching algorithm based on stochastic fractal search”. Applied Intelligence, 2019, vol. 49, no 3, p. 1146-1160. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-018-1312-1


K. Bouali, F. Z. Kadid, R. Abdessemed, A. Taleb Ahmed and A. Toumi, Modeling and Optimization of the Magnetohydrodynamic Conduction Pump by Particle Swarm Method, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, accepted for publication in JAFM Volume 11, Number 3, May 2018. DOI: 10.29252/jafm.11.03.28478.


ABDESSELAM, Salim, BETKA Abir, TOUMI Abida, Zine-eddine BAARIR. “Application of Stand- PSO Technique for Optimization Cameras’ 2D Dispositions in a MoCap system”. Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics, 2016, no 21. https://doi.org/10.4316/JACSM.201601001


 TERKI, A. Moussi,  N.TERKI, Design of ANFIS Estimator of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Position for PV Pumping System, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 10, 2015, http://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=6&Issue=10&Code=IJACSA&SerialNo=19


L Zaghba, N Terki, A Borni, A Bouchakour,Robust  Maximum Power Point  Tracking Technique And PI Curent Controller Design For Grid Connected  PV System Using MATLAB/SIMULINK, journal of Electrical Engineering, www.jee.ro, 2015,  ttp://www.jee.ro/covers/art.php?issue=WG1418629868W548e92ec596b6


L Zaghba, N Terki, A Borni, A Bouchakour, BNK Messaouda,Adaptive intelligent MPPT controller comparison of photovoltaic system under different weather conditions of GHARDAIA site (South of Algeria), journal of Electrical Engineering,2015www.jee.ro, http://www.jee.ro/covers/art.php?issue=WH1424962567W54ef340772d5d.


L Zaghba, N Terki, M Bouchakour, A. Fezzani,  A.Bouchakour, all, Simulation And Experimental Study The Management Of A PV/Battery/ Charges Of Autonomous Photovoltaic System Implemented in South Of ALGERIA, journal of Electrical Engineering www.jee.ro,2016, http://www.jee.ro/covers/art.php?issue=WJ1446469131W56375e0b0cb73.


L. Zaghba, M. Khennane, I. Hadj Mahamed, H. S. Oudjana, A. Fezzani,  A.Bouchakour, N. Terki ,A combined simulation and experimental analysis the dynamic performance of a 2 kW photovoltaic plant installed in the desert environment,   Int J   Energy      Environ Eng (2016) 7:249–260,DOI 10.1007/s40095-016-0216-2.


L.Zaghba,A.Borni, M.Khennane,N.Terki, all,  Experimental typical meteorological years to study energy performance of a PV grid-connected system, July 2017,Energy     procedia,119:297-307


S. Medouakh, M. Boumehraz, N. Terki, Improved object tracking via jointcolor-LPQ texture histogram based mean shift algorithm, Signal, image and video    processing, springer,  online 2017.


D. Touil ,· N. Terki, · S.Medouakh, Learning spatially correlation filters based on      convolutional features via PSO algorithm and two combined color spaces for visua tracking, Applied Intelligence,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-017-1120


Robust  Maximum Power Point  Tracking Technique And PI Curent Controller Design For Grid Connected  PV System Using MATLAB/SIMULINK, journal of Electrical Engineering, www.jee.ro, 2015, ttp://www.jee.ro/covers/art.php?issue=WG1418629868W548e92ec596b6


BETKA Abir, TERKI Nadjiba, TOUMI AbidaH. Dahmani, Grey wolf optimizer-based learning automata for solving block matching problem,2020,signal Image and Video processing 14(12)P.285-293


BETKA Abir, TERKI Nadjiba, TOUMI Abida, et al. “A new block matching algorithm based on stochastic fractal search”. Applied Intelligence, 2019, vol. 49, no 3, p. 1146-1160.


D. Touil ,· N. Terki, · S.Medouakh,Hierarchical convolutional features for visual tracking via two combined color spaces with SVM classifier; Signal Image and Video Processing 13(4) · September 2018,    DOI: 10.1007/s11760-018-1364-z


D. Touil ,· N. Terki, · S.Medouakh, Learning spatially correlation filters based on   convolutional features via PSO algorithm and two combined color spaces for visual  tracking, Applied Intelligence, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-017-1120-z



b) Publications Nationales (1 par ligne en donnant obligatoirement le lien vers la revue / URL)


S. Abdesselam et Z-E Baarir : ' Three Variants Particle Swarm Optimization Technique For  Optimal Cameras network two Dimensions placement' (J. Appl. Eng. Sci. Technol (2017)3(2). http://revues.univ-biskra.dz.


M. Hettiri et Z-E. Baarir : ' Compression d'Image Par La Transformée En Bandelettes et Algorithme  SPECK Modifié ' ( Revue Courrier du savoir, No 24, Septembre 2017, pp. 141-150). http://revues.univ-biskra.dz.


A. Zitouni, A. Taleb-Ahmed, A. Ouafi, Z. Baarir et  A. Khelifa : 'New Video Compression Using MSPIHT3D' ( Revue Courrier du savoir, No 19, Mars 2015, pp. 109-116). http://revues.univ-biskra.dz.


Z-E. Baarir et A. Ouafi : ‘Etude de la transformée en ondelettes dans la compression d’images fixes’    (Revue scientifique  et  technique  ‘courrier du savoir’   ISSN-1112-3338  , N° 5  , Juin 2004 ,  Université   Med  Khider ,   Biskra ). http://revues.univ-biskra.dz.


N. Doghmane, Z-E. Baarir, N. Terki and A. Ouafi : ‘Study  of  effect of  filters  and  decomposition  level  in  wavelet image  compression’  (  Revue  scientifique   et   technique    ‘courrier du savoir’  ISSN-1112-3338,  N°3 , Janvier 2003 , Université  Med  Khider , Biskra ). http://revues.univ-biskra.dz.


Z-E. Baarir, N. Doghmane, A. Ouafi and N. Terki : ‘Compression    d’images    fixes   biomédicales    par    transformée   en    ondelettes ,  quantification  vectorielle et  codage  entropique’    (  Revue scientifique  et  technique  ‘courrier du savoir’   ISSN-1112-3338  , N° 2  , Juin 2002 ,  Université   Med  Khider ,   Biskra ). http://revues.univ-biskra.dz.


Benchenief Abderezek, Sbaa Salim, « Deux Approches de Normalisation des Entrées pour la

Reconnaissance de Mots Isolés », Courier du savoir- №18, Mars, 2014, pp.137-143. Univ. Med

khider-Biskra, Algérie



AJGOU, R., SBAA, S., AOURAGH, S., et al. "Détection du pitch par les ondelettes continues en

temps réel pour un signal parole basé sur un seuil adaptatif pour unes détermination V/NV".

Courrier du savoir, 2012, N°12, Octobre 2011, pp.21-26



S. ZEHANI, M. MIMI, S. SBAA, A. TALEB-AHMED, A. TOUMI, « Hybrid Classification ANN,

DWT AND FRACTAL Analysis for Directional Textures » Courrier du savoir, N°22, Janvier

2017, pp.53-60,  http://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/cds/article/view/1907


N.Rahoua, R. Abdessemed, Speed Control Of PMSG Supplied Closed Loop PMSM Drive For Water Pumping System, Courrier de Savoir, Scientifique et Technique, ISSN- 1112-3338, 2018.



A. Toumi, N. Terki, A. Taleb-Ahmed, Adaptive Algorithm for Restoration of Lossy Compressed Images, Courrier de Savoir, Scientifique et Technique, ISSN- 1112-3338, volume No. 21, Novembre 2016.



L.Zaghba, N.Terki,A.Borni,A.Bouchakour,Design and simulation  of MATLAB/SIMULINK influence of external and internal parameters of photovoltaic cells,  Journal of NewTechnology and Materials (JNTM ),vol5(1),2015.



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